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18.01.2014 - 20:55

Greetings atWar,

2013 was the most productive and eventful for atWar by a long shot. A new strategy, the atWar radio organized by Tesla, the use of new payment options with protocoins, a new strategy, many tournaments, numerous contests, ATN's initial organized by LDK releasing series of weekly articles and reorganization later by Madara were all huge highlights of 2013. With this much progress made, 2014 can only capsize on the success of 2013 now that the HTML5 conversion of atWar is on it's way. Maybe tophats will reach rank 14 or even rank 15? Maybe atWar will be featured on Steam Greenlight? Maybe this is even the year the HTML5 version of atWar is released and this game completely completely blows up. Just maybe!

As President of ATN you have my deepest apologies for such a late release on this article. Enjoy!

Let's see what two players who won 1st & 3rd place in 2nd Official atWar Middle Rank 1v1 Tournament think of 2013!:

[pr] Madara: joedtaxi: Actually, let me interview you.
[pr] joedtaxi: ok
[pr] joedtaxi: yes im quite new compaired to alot of the players around my rank
[pr] Madara: joedtaxi: What did you think of the atWar community in your first few months after signing up?
[pr] joedtaxi: well in the first few months after signing up i wasnt really involved with the community,but as i started to get involved in it i really liked it.
[pr] Madara: joedtaxi: When did you start getting involved in the competitive CW scene of atWar? You have a lot of CWs under your belt for a 7month old player.
[pr] joedtaxi: i was a rank 6 when i joined my first clan but my first cw wasnt until i was a rank 7.
[pr] Madara: joedtaxi: I see I see. Compared to then and now, what do you think of the atWar community as a whole?
[pr] joedtaxi: well i still like the community, but now i have a few people who i dont get along with and have made alot of good friends also.
[pr] joedtaxi: i like the fact that the commuinty is small so people know eachother unlike other games i have played.
[pr] Madara: joedtaxi: Who do you think won the POTY players choice and POTY Staff Choice?
[pr] joedtaxi: I think chess will win the players choice and i have a feeling you will win the staff choice.
[pr] Madara: joedtaxi: What do you think the greatest contribution is and from whom?
[pr] joedtaxi: i dont really know what most of the people on the list have done to get on it to be honest, but from what i have been around for it has been you with the tournament you have organised.
[pr] Madara: joedtaxi: Alright, thank you for your time! Do you have anything to say to the community before we go our next interviewee?
[pr] joedtaxi: nope

Now on to the 1st Official atWar Middle Rank 1v1 Tournament's champion!:

[pr] Madara: Stryko: Greetings
[pr] Stryko: hi
[pr] Madara: Stryko: May I interview you for an upcoming ATN article?
[pr] Stryko: sure, what's it about?
[pr] Madara: Stryko: I will ask numerous question.
[pr] Madara: Stryko: So, you've on atWar for along time! Over a year now.
[pr] Madara: Stryko: What did you think of the atWar community your first few months after signing up?
[pr] Stryko: I wasn't involved much with the community, my friends told me about this game and we used to play World games
[pr] Stryko: After I got into Clans and stuff though, seeing the community for the first time it was nice.
[pr] Stryko: There were lots of friendly people helping me out with expansions etc.
[pr] Stryko: Indeed
[pr] Madara: Stryko: What do you WANT to see from the community now that you're involved?
[pr] Madara: Stryko: Is there anything you're looking forward to, anything you're working you might want to share with us?
[pr] Stryko: I would want to see more people getting involved with Clans, 3v3s and CWing more everyday.
[pr] Stryko: I'm not working on anything atm, to actually help this, but I do host 3v3s nearlly everyday.
[pr] Stryko: I'm looking forward to getting more CWs with these new clans that have come back or have been made seeing that evol died for about a week : )
[pr] Madara: Stryko: How do you think atWar did in 2013 with all the new updates and community involvement?
[pr] Stryko: Well I don't know much about the updates, I was probably rank 3 at the time but I saw the change from Afterwind to atWar which was confusing at the time
[pr] Stryko: But towards the end of 2013 more of the community got involved with 3v3s and I saw more 3v3s being played even from rank4s and 5s
[pr] Stryko: The best update probably was the changes to CWs for me
[pr] Madara: Stryko: So basically you want to see more players in the 3v3 competitive scene of atWar? More clans, more Cws, more 3v3s
[pr] Stryko: Exactly
[pr] Stryko: atWar being a strategy game, I expect there to be more competition.
[pr] Madara: Stryko: What do you want to see from the community and deveoplers of atWar in 2014?
[pr] Stryko: I want to see an even better CW system, having unlimited CWs and a system like the one Desu proposed months ago.
[pr] Stryko: As you can see, people stop CWing after they get a high score. Like we did last season and MK are atm.
[pr] Stryko: I only want people to be more involved with the competition of atWar which means 3v3s and CWing otherwise it will get too boring playing the same people.
[pr] Madara: Stryko: That seems feasable, I agree.
[pr] Madara: Stryko: Who do you think will win the Players Choice award for POTY and who do you think wil win Staff's Choice for POTY?
[pr] Stryko: tbh I think you would win Poty award since you've done a lot with tournys and ATN reviving.
[pr] Madara: Stryko: For Player's choice award or Staff choice?
[pr] Stryko: I think both.
[pr] Madara: Do you have anything to say to the community before we go to commercial?
[pr] Stryko: One does not simply Serbian wall Stryko : )

Welcome back! Now, to the results.

POTY Player's Choice Award


[cn] ~Safari: Hi Chess. thx that i have to honor to talk with the successor or avatar. What was your first reaction after you hear about your win?
[cn] Chess: I was very surprised and happy that so many players voted for me
[cn] ~Safari: I see. As you know you got Player of the Month in December. Do you think that was an advantage in comparisson to the other candidates?
[cn] Chess: Probably slightly but i cant really say if yes or no.
[cn] Chess: It definetely gave me some votes more, if some people didnt know who to vote for
[cn] ~Safari: What was your biggest gift to the community in your opinion?
[cn] Chess: I would say the atWar Record Book and Hall of Fame, a gift that I am still working on and trying to improve
[cn] ~Safari: Ohh you say that you want to improve it. Can you give us any hints what you have been thinking about or is it still a secret surprise?
[cn] Chess: I have been adding features to the record book since i started the topic
[cn] Chess: like rank emblems, clickable player names
[cn] Chess: features that make the record book look more fancier
[cn] Chess: ofc layout is very important as well
[cn] Chess: and lately i am trying to create a table for the elo peak section
[cn] Chess: and its giving me a headache because it just doesnt want to work lol
[cn] ~Safari: Message received. You want to make it look sexy <3
[cn] ~Safari: Do you have any upcoming projects you are dealing with?
[cn] Chess: Not really to be honest i am very spontaneous and if i get an idea I try to implent it immediately
[cn] ~Safari: Good man. Do you think you can win this awesome honor next year again?
[cn] Chess: no I will step aside so that others can win the Poty, but i am still going to help the community
[cn] ~Safari: A very noble comment from a very noble person. Do you want to say something/thank someone?
[cn] Chess: Yes I think Columna Durruti and Desu deserve alot of recognition as well since they have been doing very much for the community lately and I like to thanks all the voters that have voted for me
[cn] ~Safari: Glad to hear. thx for you time and we will hopefully hear many good news from you in the near future
[cn] Chess: Thanks too, it was a pleasure talking to you, as always

POTY Staff's Choice Award


How do you feel now? Proud of yourself? Are you surprised? Tell me about your first thoughts.
1) First of all I'm very proud and extremely suprised! I was very excited when I read your PM. I was expecting it to be Tactician or Chess to be POTY but staff's choice? That is more than an honor. Thank you all atWar admin and moderators . I've done my best to take atWar where we all dream for it to be and I'll continue my efforts to strengthen our community and publicize this game on the internet.

We all know that you did a lot for atWar. What do you think was your best invention for the community?
2) I think the best thing I did for the community was bring back ATN. I enjoy working with everyone and it's great seeing the community's response to our weekly articles. I look forward to reorganizing the radio as well.

Are you currently or in the near future doing something for us that you want to tell us about?
3) At the moment I am working on something besides tournaments. I'm working on bringing ATN and the radio together; having CW's recorded with commentary from professional players, recorded CW interviews to play on the radio, live casting on CWs and more. It's not easy but eventually I'll gather my resources and present my plan to Amok & Ivan. All in good time.

Who do you think got POTY by players?
4) If I could take an honest guest, I'd say Tactician or Chess. Chess seems to be popular and Tactician seems to be popular among the veteran players. Chess is my top guess though.

You can expect weekly articles once again! What do you think of the results? Who do you think will get POTM in January? Post below !

This week's hot seat is 4chan so give us some saucy questions for the next article!
Thanks for reading!
18.01.2014 - 20:58
Grats to all! Well deserved!
It's not the end.

18.01.2014 - 21:03
Account deleted
18.01.2014 - 21:07
Terrible choices, should totally have been Dbacks for POTY...oh he wasn't candidate? Ok Chess is good choice then CONGRATULATIONS you beast And to Madara also for mods choice. btw why no open results like last year?
18.01.2014 - 21:17
No one ever interviews me for anything ;_;

TJM !!!
18.01.2014 - 23:31
Congrats to Chess extremely deserved also congrats to Madara for his awesome work!
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

19.01.2014 - 01:34
Chess!!! Congratulations bro, well deserved! Also congratulations to Madara too. By the way, where are the full results?
19.01.2014 - 04:39
This was a year full of upgrades and new things such as cyber attacks, etc. I'm glad we went through it with ease, and I think Madara and Chess are not the only winners, everyone who was player of the month, is player of the year Ditto, I salute you all (13' POTM winners) for the investment you made for the game in the last year.

Congratulation on your victory.
19.01.2014 - 05:03
Congratulations Madara and Chess, I just handed out your trophies.

Heres some extra info about the results:

Chess got around 40% of the players votes! Desu was second and he got around 25%. The third was Columnma with 19%. Everyone else got significantly less votes. All in all 95 players voted.
The staffs choice vote was extremely close, Madara won with only one more vote ahead of Chess and Desu.
19.01.2014 - 05:52
Congratulations Chess & Madara, you guys deserved it I'd say.
"My words are my bullets."-John Lydon

Spart is love
19.01.2014 - 06:34
I called both of them congrats to both of you well deserved
19.01.2014 - 07:09
Awesome Congrats Chess & Madara
Believe you can and you're halfway there
19.01.2014 - 09:26
Written by Dragon, 19.01.2014 at 04:39

I think Madara and Chess are not the only winners, everyone who was player of the month, is player of the year Ditto

Good job everyone.
19.01.2014 - 10:14
I'm awful at congratulating people, but still.
Congratulations everyone who got potm, and Chess and Madara in particular.
19.01.2014 - 23:42
Much thanks everyone! I'm honored
20.01.2014 - 04:51
Congratulations Chess and Madara
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
20.01.2014 - 14:04
Just lol, no one named tesla

anyways, i have already left aw. Just came to check whats going on here and saw that everythings is same. Bye guys and congratz..

atWar Radio<3

play for fun, just for fun.
20.01.2014 - 14:40
20.01.2014 - 15:53
Account deleted
Congrats to everyone who got Player of the Month awards, especially to Chess and Madara. Both well deserved.

4Chan, why did you leave Loli Army? :c
20.01.2014 - 16:10
Written by tesla, 20.01.2014 at 14:04

Just lol, no one named tesla

anyways, i have already left aw. Just came to check whats going on here and saw that everythings is same. Bye guys and congratz..

dw, i voted for you <3
20.01.2014 - 16:49
Congrats Chess and Madara!
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
20.01.2014 - 17:15
Congratz Chess and Madara ^^
21.01.2014 - 22:41
22.01.2014 - 20:17
Account deleted
Congratulations chess.
23.01.2014 - 04:05
Written by Milkyy, 20.01.2014 at 16:10

Written by tesla, 20.01.2014 at 14:04

Just lol, no one named tesla

anyways, i have already left aw. Just came to check whats going on here and saw that everythings is same. Bye guys and congratz..

dw, i voted for you <3

haha thanks :D probably you re the only one who voted for me

atWar Radio<3

play for fun, just for fun.
23.01.2014 - 04:09
Written by tesla, 23.01.2014 at 04:05

haha thanks :D probably you re the only one who voted for me

I also got you on the list kanka
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.

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