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Forgot password?

Forgot your password? If your account has associated e-mail, we can send you a new one.


How to login

You can use either your current username or e-mail as login, plus the password you selected.

Social login

You can register and login with just one click using the third-party id providers like Google, Facebook or Twitter. Note that such an account doesn't have e-mail or password, so unless you fill them in your profile afterwards, it is your only way to access your atWar account. You can connect/disconnect your account with the id providers on the 'Edit profile' page.

If you forgot your password

Enter your e-mail in the 'login' field and click the 'Get password' button. We will send you the new password by e-mail. That is, if you provided an e-mail in your profile.

If you forgot your account's e-mail

Go to the Memberlist and try to find it searching by username, country or other options. If you fail, surely there's nothing we can do to help you.

If you forgot your password and your account doesn't have e-mail (or you can't access to your old e-mail anymore)

This means there's no way to retrieve your old account, sorry.

If you get the message that user account for this username / e-mail doesn't exist

You're probably entering it incorrectly. Contact us, we'll try to help.

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