Results found: 1666
10.01.2015 in Add a "redo" button
I would like to apoligize for our half-assed editor, we know it can be frustrating using it. We cannot make any changes right now, but I promise to get back to it after we're done with the HTML5 version and fix the most annoying problems
Written by Azula., 08.01.2015 at 02:06

40 euro for the full game is expensive but a standard price for todays games.

40 USD, so about 34 EUR. And this is extremely cheap for a Lifetime subscription for an online multiplayer game.
10.01.2015 in Solution to Spambots
Written by Meester, 08.01.2015 at 05:03

Many spambots spam the forum lately so heres a solution. In order to post in the forum you need to play at least 1 game. You can still view the forum but just can't post.

Another solution could be to actually update the tutorial and make it completable. Then we can change it to complete the tutorial in order to post on forum.

Tutorial is already completable (only once, and only on rank 0). I think I will implement the rank 1 restriction for forum posting now.

EDIT: done!
09.01.2015 in Upvote
Written by OKELEUK, 09.01.2015 at 15:57

you should do a IAMA on /r/AMA.

I don't think we're famous enough for /r/IAMA, but perhaps we could give it a try.
09.01.2015 in Html 5?
Written by RaulPB, 09.01.2015 at 11:05

Written by Ivan, 09.01.2015 at 09:18

Not going to be making much money when Silverlight kicks the bucket completely (it's already dying rapidly). Trust me, it's in our best interest to finish HTML5 version as soon as possible, get rid of the stupid SL, provide support for tablets and mobiles, etc.

I'm a complete ignorant as for programing but... just for the curiosity, how tought is it?? Tougher than having your final exams at university??

It's not so much about difficulty as it is about the insane amount of time it takes for a team of 2 people.
09.01.2015 in Upvote
Written by Permamuted, 09.01.2015 at 09:01

I demand a downvote button!!

Let's see how upvotes go first. Maybe downvote will come as well, though it's much more likely to be abused.
09.01.2015 in Upvote
Written by Acquiesce, 09.01.2015 at 09:18

Ask for a "Like" system.

Get an "Upvote" system. Ivan, you've obviously been spending too much time on Reddit.

Yes, way too much...
09.01.2015 in Html 5?
Written by Quantum027, 04.01.2015 at 13:58

I am starting to think the idea of html 5 for atwar was made up by admins to just create hope and get our money; all jokes on us they dont care about html 5

Not going to be making much money when Silverlight kicks the bucket completely (it's already dying rapidly). Trust me, it's in our best interest to finish HTML5 version as soon as possible, get rid of the stupid SL, provide support for tablets and mobiles, etc.
09.01.2015 in Upvote
Written by clovis1122, 09.01.2015 at 09:06

Written by Tundy, 09.01.2015 at 09:03

................... no words

Oh yeah, now I remember what I wanted to add
Good idea, I'll write it down for the future. But we're not making changes to the current Silverlight version anymore - it's rather futile, since it will be phased out soon.
02.01.2015 in Games Log improvement
I'm afraid most of this additional info is simply not recorded at the moment, so there's no way to display it. We'd like to be able to show more info in the future, but probably not before the HTML5 version, since changing anything in the current code right now is complicated (have to do it twice, basically).
08.12.2014 in Cant promote !
Fixed. There should be no more problems with this. I hope
07.12.2014 in Cant promote !
Fixed now.
06.12.2014 in Cant promote !
Written by Ferlucci1389, 06.12.2014 at 09:52

I need help i cant promote 2 of my clanmates to officers it just wont do it ! and i promoted others no problem...

Which ones?
21.11.2014 in Player search fillter
Not a bug. You already had 20 games this season, so the latest game pushed one game off the list (vs Stalins Martians, +50 CP). Which means your standing in the Top Coalitions remained exactly the same.
Written by Khal.eesi, 14.11.2014 at 21:28

Written by Ivan, 14.11.2014 at 10:56

welcome to balkan drama

Oh, I'm hardly new to it - it's been going on for almost as long as the game's been around
Written by THE_Militia, 14.11.2014 at 08:00

Written by Ivan, 13.11.2014 at 03:08

I have now revoked Naser Oric's moderating permissions and banned him from contributing to translations. I'm afraid Serbs will have to fix translations themselves, as we don't have backups going back more than a few days.

THE_Militia - I don't remember why I revoked your moderating permission - might be because someone complained about bad translations.

My translate was fine.i just got a notification '' Ivan has demoted you from Serbian moderator'' so i was in kind of shock.I was just a bit slow because of school,etc.But the translate was fine. Anyway i just wanted to ask you why i am also demoted from support position?

Sorry, I honestly don't remember - must've been someone's complaint, because I wouldn't be able to know if your translations were good or not. If someone can vouch for you (Tito?), I'll reinstate you. And the Supporter position currently doesn't mean anything - the forum is inactive and the group is leaderless. I was thinking to close it for the moment, but never got around to removing all Supporter positions. So it wasn't anything personal at all.
I have now revoked Naser Oric's moderating permissions and banned him from contributing to translations. I'm afraid Serbs will have to fix translations themselves, as we don't have backups going back more than a few days.

THE_Militia - I don't remember why I revoked your moderating permission - might be because someone complained about bad translations.
11.11.2014 in CW Season thoughts.
Written by Waffel, 10.11.2014 at 06:10

Written by Ivan, 10.11.2014 at 04:48

I think we'll try 30 games for the next season, see how it goes.

Did you guys also consider allowing all the colours in Html5 instead of just the first 8/10?
Multiple threads and reports from mods have been made about this.
Alot people like to play colours they cant choose because of no enough players.

(sorry for off-topic, just wanted to know if u heard about that)

Yes, all 20 colors will be visible.
10.11.2014 in CW Season thoughts.
I think we'll try 30 games for the next season, see how it goes.
Written by Quantum027, 20.10.2014 at 11:55

but used in the reverse, im not condoning maps for the purpose of farming SP, but if a map generates a lower amount of SP it shouldnt be changed by mods to earn more SP, the map maker does have the right to decide that his maps dont need to give 1000s of SP per game.

I'm sure it would be solved as easily as a creator of the map/scenario writing a short message to one of the mods, asking to reset the multiplier back to 100% (if they put more than 100%). Though I don't expect that would happen often.
Written by Quantum027, 20.10.2014 at 00:04

Written by Ivan, 19.10.2014 at 12:22

Ivan why are maps like Greek World and Middle Earth boosted, i stated this in a previous thread on general forums, but maps shouldnt be boosted, the map maker made the map and intended it to bring in that amount of SP, if the map makers thinks its too low he should go into his map and change the stuff to make it worth more sp, but maps dont need more SP even if they generate less than others, its the style of how some like, however this doesnt apply to maps like RP, i still think they should have SP Multipliers that are lower.

Wow, that was one very long sentence... And no, I don't think map makers are entitled to having absolute control over how much SP their map generates. That's just an invitation to farm shitty maps and ignore good ones.
Written by clovis1122, 19.10.2014 at 10:34

Written by avatar, 19.10.2014 at 07:36

Cool job Caulepra gives 150%sp to his friend talos map ,but gives just 75% to ancient world camon my map is not RP sp farm

he abuse his mod power to support his friend maps lolololol

It have started.....


@Bonker if it is an error why it has not be fixed yet?

It has been fixed yesterday. Just checked - it works fine.
When banlist was created, all old ignores were transferred there. You might have ignored that guy by accident at one point - I think we actually used to have Ignore buttons in forum posts, so it would only require one click.
Deleted the game, reset the points.
Sorry about this. Your games are all counted, just not displayed correctly atm. We'll fix this asap.
Fixed. Sorry about the miscalculation.

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