Results found: 1437
It's perfectly within Hasbro's rights to do this, so no. I'm not a brony, I uphold the law.
No SP should be required for this, but yes, very good idea Tesla.
I've seen both Catch Me If You Can and The Patriot. I'd definitely go with Catch Me If You Can - a very good film.
04.02.2013 in Languages Update
Eleven languages already! Stick me in a dress and call me Sally. Very impressive, very impressive indeed.
So, what about that trophy? Can I have one please? :3

I'm credited as Superuser on POEditor.
Transifex actually allows proprietary hosting though you're meant to pay for it. The software is just superior as well and has a better web interface. I especially love the fact it allows you to open the .po (or .ts, or Ruby, or whatever) file in an offline editor like Virtaal (I'm a power translator).

Also, you should SERIOUSLY support plural. At least for the language I'm trying to translate the game to, the translation quality is lowered somewhat due to the lack of plural support for units. I'm not asking for inline plural or anything crazy like that. But plural for units would be nice and now you have a good excuse to implement it (however boring the task is).
@Amok: 'Afterwind' is a proper noun and is not translatable. Besides, translating it would miss the point, which, in this case, is providing a little nostalgia for older players. Please remove the leading _ (if you use Gettext that is). Also, this website is kind of lame, couldn't you have gone with Transifex? (it's what every Rubyist uses so it must be right, plus I've used it myself and it's a brilliant website)

Star Wars
Fuck a duck.
Written by Aristosseur, 16.01.2013 at 23:54

Nice, I've bought a game on desura already too, it's a good interface

Is cos free as in freedom (not price)
I'm not sure if microtransactions really work (though the F2P business model has seen massive successes), but I think announcing ProtoCoins before they actually gain any use was a bad idea. What many foolish tech companies do (most recently, Canonical Inc), unlike Apple, which always pulls it off right, is announcing products they haven't clearly thought through. Apple NEVER changes things upon release post-announcement. They may update their products in some way, but never, ever upon release.

You should probably say right now what these will actually be used for.

EDIT: Oh wow, thanks for the plug! Yep, it's true, AW is definitely not a pay-to-win game. Premium features are definitely worth the price though, you really hit the sweet spot there. Microtransactions will not affect gameplay I hope, only, say, aesthetics, like in the highly successful League of Legends.
Well, I've always kinda been around. I actually played since late 2010, but without an account. /int/ used to play games here almost every week back then... ah, fabled AW golden age...
07.01.2013 in General Discussion
Acquiesce, Genghis Khan wasn't much of a general actually, neither was Ogedei Khan. They were just harsh rulers that kept people in line very effectively.

The mastermind behind their extremely impressive military conquests was actually Subutai. He signed up as a teenager from a modest background and he would come to conquer 32 nations, win 65 major battles and overrun more territory than any other commander in history (usually annexing it).

He did all that while looking like this (like, seriously):

Subutai is generally acknowledged to rank with the great commanders in history, those being (by my estimation, in order) Alexander the Great, Khalid ibn al-Walid (responsible for Islam and the Arab World expanding massively), Hannibal, Frederick the Great (the loose cannon of the Seven Years War), Cyrus the Great (responsible for the Persian Empire, and even more brilliant as an administrator than commander), Scipio Africanus (suck it, rabid elephants were why Hannibal lost), Timur (AKA Tamerlane), Napoleon and Belisarius (Justinian I). I probably missed a few.

I'd put Subutai after Hannibal or Frederick. He was an innovator in tactics and also a great strategist (basically tactics = single battle, strategy = the whole war). Scipio and Belisarius were the best of strategists, but not always perfect or very innovative tacticians. Pyrrhus and Hannibal were famously terrible strategists, but excellent tacticians. Subutai was great in both aspects, and he really gave Europe a much-needed realisation that clunky knights had to go (the Hundred Years War would reinforce this). The reason Subutai doesn't get very high marks is because he usually had plenty of men to go around, even if he achieved impressive kill:death ratios in his battle. This wasn't the case with Alexander's Macedonians (just about all the way through) or Khalid's Umayyad Arabs (even by the battle of Yarmouk, after crushing the Sassanid Empire and others).

So yeah, Subutai was pretty awesome! Not the most awesome of them all. But very high up there.
Very good list, just please spell check things that are to be submitted to the home page of AW, please, Hugosch. In Firefox right-click on a text field, click 'Check Spelling' and download an English dictionary (preferably UK English. The process is similar in Chrome, dunno about IE. Thanks. Feel free to delete this reply after you have done so.
03.01.2013 in Ah, the Ghetto of AW
This conversation in haiku form:
LilD / cannot / into rappin'
LOL. I made both of them in 5 minutes (most of which were spent choosing a font) using the Michael Bayifier, xD. Thanks for all the praise though, I do appreciate it.

I could actually make it, just remember that pictures are not allowed in signatures on this forum. I would need more guidance though, what exactly are you looking for (Forever Alone)?
Did someone say AWESOME?

In standard internet advertising banner size, which is 468 px * 120 px.
*sigh* yet another Tik-Tok thread. Very well, let's take this step-by-step.

Written by Tik-Tok, 16.12.2012 at 17:01

So no ones been exposed to violence for 5000 years? Have you seen the murder rates in the US in the late 1800s? Or the murder rates in London. Most Wild West and Victorian Age dramas are fictional and exaggerated.

>In Abilene, Ellsworth, Wichita, Dodge City, and Caldwell, for the years from 1870 to 1885, there were only 45 total homicides. This equates to a rate of approximately 1 murder per 100,000 residents per year.
>In Abilene, supposedly one of the wildest of the cow towns, not a single person was killed in 1869 or 1870.

Except that the population was significantly small in these times, they weren't regularly exposed to violence and death was more commonplace. They also had religion, and while I'm not religious myself, I would say that the strict code of conduct every religion (all Abrahamic religions) promote are very important. While they are not always followed to the letter, and social historian will tell you how important they have been in restraining people or driving them to do great things.

Written by Tik-Tok, 16.12.2012 at 17:01

So Africans and Hispanics kill on averages far, far higher than American Whites and yet it is arguable that those Whites are subjected to more video game and television violence than both of those groups and yet this majority soon-to-become-a-minority commits a far lower crime rate per capita. Your theory has serious concrete flaws. It's based entirely on the Marxist theory of socialization. This theory has some truth to it that our environment dictates our actions but Multi Racilialism has alot to do with this. As I said, across continents, cultures, languages, Africans continue to commit crime rates higher than any other majority.

Blacks and Hispanics have far less to lose when they go killing. They are usually considerably poorer than most whites and live in what are effectively ghettos. Furthermore, it seems like a lot of African-American 'culture' revolves around gangsta rap and killing and all this stupid shit. A gross generalisation, but it is undeniable that perception of this culture has seeped into every layer of black society, whether they support it, laugh at it or are worried by it. And what's so bad about Marxism? Marx made very accurate observations (though I don't agree with historical materialism and class struggle). Unfortunately, Engels and Lenin made it into a stupid political ideology that solved none of the problems that Marx highlighted which are very much still true. A key quote for this matter: 'It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.'

Written by Tik-Tok, 16.12.2012 at 17:01

I do not define Multiculturalism as multiple cultures. That is not how progressives think. You could have a university filled with French, Swedes, Belgians, Germans, Anglo, Scots and Dutch. They would speak different languages, eat different foods, hold different histories and even differing perspectives on how they perceive the world and yet progressives would not consider this Multi Cultural or Diverse. It would be considered racist, backward and regressive all because they are all white. And yet, if everyone spoke the same language, ate the same foods and had different racial backgrounds, then it would be considered diverse. Diversity has no end limit, it simply means less whites. They want Multi Racialism, not Multiculturalism but they cannot admit it because they do not believe race exists. To admit race exists would be to admit we are different enough that it brings about a positive effect. It opens too many doors, too many for the already close minded progressive filled with cognitive dissonance.

You could also have gypsies that would steal your camera (happened to my dad) whenever you're not watching. They're white too, y'know. And a hell of a lot of them are criminals, petty or greater.

It's about culture, not race, and culture determines how a race will act as races are so strapped down within themselves. If you are a black kid who goes to a majority-white school, you will almost certainly end up hanging out with black friends all the way through it. You come from London and you will know exactly what I'm talking about, as I've been in a school that consists of a plurality of races (my sixth form is almost all white/asian, the high school [they are combined] about 40/50 black/white). Every human has a little racism in them and are naturally wary of people not of their own race. Liberals will deny this, of course.
This leads to the same idiotic ideas being repeated over and over. That's why religion works, because it transcends races but never really brings them together.

Also, the above stated is not a Marxist view. There probably is a name for my set of ideas, but I'm not aware of it.

Written by Tik-Tok, 16.12.2012 at 17:01

Its quite simple, in the so called Wild West when arms were widely available, there was almost no crime. This is seen in open carry areas where criminals do not venture because it is simply to dangerous to rob an armed person.

Gun control has never worked, it is used to control people. It limits arms from law abiding citizens and allows arms to those who don't. It is oppression, disarmament and a sign of an aggressive, malevolent government. A good example of this is Germany in the 1930s. National Socialist Germany never had a restriction of arms, and gun control only came into effect after the fall of Germany. Germany has never had as lax gun control since then.

Nazi Germany is the absolute worst example to give for this. Over 100,000 Germans were imprisoned by the Nazi party on rather petty or arbitrary charges, and that's not even counting the political prisoners. Also, the Hitler Jugend brainwashed the hell out of its recruits in believing that they had a mission and had to train to achieve that mission and determinedly fight off every trouble. By giving people a goal in life, you take away a massive cause for suicide. I was very much talking about upbringing too, which is key in bringing about the psyche that causes one to do a mass shooting. The Hitler Youth and fear of the law (torture was by no means uncommon in prison - though a Dutch Golden Age prison was probably worse) seriously limited gun crime.

Additionally, the Nazi German government was thinking in political terms for just about everything it did. They gave objects like guns meaning and attached an ideology to them. If it didn't fit their ideology, it would not happen. A major ideology that was constantly repeated by pricks like Goebbels, mainly used as a means to the end of wiping out the Slavic race, was the belief that nations survived by warfare and that the German people made the best soldiers in the world. Among many others. From 1944, they began training German citizens for a climactic final battle as they still believed they could win and this was put in effect in 1945 with disastrous effects in the Battle in Berlin (the volkssturm were quick to surrender in smaller towns and border areas where they wouldn't have a die-hard SS man screaming at them). But many fought to the end anyway. It was 'Blitz Spirit' at work. The Nazi government just handed out bullshit freedoms in their quest to claim Eastern Europe for Germany. If something didn't help them politically, it was passed over.

Written by Tik-Tok, 16.12.2012 at 17:01

Your theory is silly, it specifies one causation and has holes. My point is solid and concrete and I specified multiple reasons both genetic AND environmental.

Genetic reasons? Not only did you not state anything about that anywhere, but it's been proven multiple times over that eugenics is a bullshit science. Environmental reasons? You just completely rejected them. A real pro at forming an argument, I see.

Written by Tik-Tok, 16.12.2012 at 17:01

Don't /thread me kid. You aren't that special.

>stats don't mean anything
Spoken like a true spinster that can't argue concrete facts that belittle their arguments.

Do you mean spindoctor? Because I'm so infinitely superior at arguing than you, you who doesn't even take notes from the opposition? Ad hominem for ad hominem.
Written by Tik-Tok, 16.12.2012 at 13:37

And your argument that America belongs to the natives is flawed. Using that logic, Turks should leave Turkey, Black Africans in Southern Africa should move back up to the Congo. Land only belongs to those who can hold it. If Europeans fail to hold it then they do not deserve it but those who attempt to take it should not expect mercy. Most especially the Progressive hypocrites demanding that Europeans do not deserve to.

Actually, I was just pointing out how short-sighted your theory was. By your definition, the US is also multicultural as the natives were always around and the whites came other and suddenly made it multicultural.

And those statistics don't prove anything. I'd argue that it is a greater exposure to violence and so on from an early age that causes these things. The first mass shooting of the 20th century was in 1913 in Germany. The number of mass shootings has doubled (sometimes more) every decade. Why did the crime rate shoot up in the 50s? I'd say it is the introduction of the television and the effects of the war.

After 9/11 (yes, no shit) and 7/7, suicide rates fell down by 40 per cent in England and Wales. This effect is called the 'Blitz spirit', named after WW2 of course. After the war, people started going mad again. I'd say the media and exposure to violent films and video games from an early age also cause people to become desensitised to violence, eventually lead them to inflict pain on others when they go down the suicide route.

Anyway, this is not a matter of gun control, it's a matter of identifying what makes people psychotic killers. The school that Ryan Lanza (a white guy, I should mention) shot up was his old high school. Coincidence? I think not, I know plenty of kids that had a very, very bad experience in high school. But as for the gun control thing: I think it's fair to say that restrictions should be placed on gun ownership, just in case some maniac goes and kills dozens of innocents who have nothing to defend themselves with. And these restrictions work if enforced well. It is extraordinarily hard to get hold of guns in Europe. In Africa, I don't know if it's illegal, but it's a well-known fact that the police in African countries almost certainly doesn't give a fuck.

Basically, the more effective the restrictions, the greater the lack of guns. And let's be fair; I bet 99% of people who have visited this thread have never even held a gun *cough* Tik-Tok lives in London *cough* in their lives. So this doesn't even concern you. I can safely say that most hunters (the population of which should be reduced by at least a quarter, just too damn many of them killing off whole species) get along just fine with aggressive gun control.

>homophobic crime increase
I approve of this.

Also Tik-Tok, legitimate people like farmers get around the restrictions either by acquiring a gun license or borrowing from a friend. But these wackos don't have friends or any such thing. The criminals get them from smugglers. So generally, gun control does work, unlike in America where you can walk into the next state and buy a gun there.

PS: how is multiculturalism related to this? Are you saying that America belongs to the Natives and that white people are causing this mess? Oh you.
08.12.2012 in youtube design
I don't miss categories, but I definitely miss the 'More videos from' button. This really killed the deal for me. I really hope they bring that back. So basic, yet infinitely useful.

Also, Google is trying out more of its dirty filter bubble techniques and forcing targeted advertising of videos on the homepage. I wouldn't doubt that the search engine is filtered based on one's past history too, which limits people's access to new content. Disgusting.
Written by tophat, 07.12.2012 at 18:05

Lol yeah. There's two spoken languages in China: Mandarin and Cantanese (traditional Chinese).

No, there's dozens. From Mandarin to Uyughur, China covers not just many languages, but also language groups.

And Cantonese is not 'traditional Chinese', it's just a dialect (though it can be said that it's a separate language). By 'traditional Chinese', we tend to refer to the script it is written in (not an alphabet). Simplified Chinese is the other one which was introduced by the Communists and is much much easier than traditional Chinese which is still used in Hong Kong, Macau and the Republic of China - possibly other areas too.

Dat British world view
Ah, right, I was thinking more of Wesnoth's (an excellent high fantasy TBS game) scheme! In that game, the maps, strings and scripts (for events, addition of weapons and so on, it's extremely versatile) are stored in separate files. They have built it so you can actually go and translate individual unit and town names, in addition to story elements like dialogue*.

Every map (or campaign, or scenario, or 'era', or faction or...) downloaded from the add-on menu hence downloads the translated strings (if available) for the current user interface language, as well as the en_US strings, which are the default. This helps them save on bandwidth and expose an easy-to-use translation interface to translators that can be used to translate absolutely everything in the game (except the debug console output, and intentionally so). It works marvellously well. It is exactly what would be a waste of time for ProtoBytes to implement, as AW is not a story-centric game.

The ability to translate the user interface would certainly help out the Turkish and other language communities though, which are a very large customer base of AW - ultimately leading to more profit. I must say, AW has one of the best F2P models I've ever seen - it's fair to non-paying players, and yet it is definitely worth paying from. Excellent choices all around from both a game design and business perspective.

* Which, by the way, would not work in AW, as it is outside the scope of the game. People need to stop bitching about that. AW is a fast-paced game designed from the ground up for multiplayer, unlike something like Wesnoth which was not designed initially with MP in mind. Also, since AW is not tile-based, it would a pain in the ass to script events for. Full disclosure: I've partially written a Wesnoth add-on myself.
Just converting from ISO 8859-1 (which is more commonly known as ASCII) to UTF-8 is dead simple, as UTF-8 is backwards compatible. Also, it's just as good for performance. Every character in the Basic Multilingual Plane (all ASCII characters, for one, which covers most languages!) takes up one byte, much like in ASCII.

Actually making every map translatable would require an enormous effort though. For one, every string has to be parsed. Okay, I guess it's XML (with Microsoft's proprietary extensions), that is easy and there are libraries for every language to do that. But just think how they have to build a whole infrastructure that dynamically generates these files and loads them hopefully on demand per map (and per user, depending on their language) so they can avoid huge load times for players... it would be very hard to implement, and frankly, I don't see the point. The game is still light on story and intentionally so - that's why it's fun (just like roguelikes).

As for the interface though, I think they could probably pull it off. But every single map? That would probably require a rewrite of the file architecture for the maps and the creation of a converter utility that works flawlessly for older maps, or expect butthurt from map designers.

I think the AW Dev Team (or ProtoBytes or whatever it's called) really shot themselves in the foot by not translating the interface elements. Crowdsourcing translation really does work by the way. Services like Transifex work marvelously well for billion-dollar corporations like RedHat and massive foundations like Apache. No need to spend all that money on translators - as 'given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow' (Linus' Law; means that the more people doing Quality Assurance, the less likely the chance you will end up with a crap product).

PS: I really wonder how you found that out, ezzatam. Where is the cache for AW maps kept?
T̸̢̧͇̙͙̼̫̘̫̔̆̌͑ͧ̐ͭͩ̚͢͝o̴̧̙̭̝̖ͬ̂ͯ̃̋̐ ͑̑̈ͨ͊̽͗́̈́̈͌̓͏͡҉̡̱̭͍͚̫̬̰į̴̨ͬͤͤ̑҉̺̪̳̪̙̭͈̹̲͔̳͕̘͕̫̟̼̠n̶̵̛̟̫͚̪̗̫̟̮̭͓͍̺̘͖̜̲̏̆̇ͤ́͊ͪͥ̀͡v̴̨̟̮̟͚̣ͫͭ̅̂͗ͣ̓̋̎͟ͅô̧̱͚̘̝̱͇̞̞̳̞̋̀̒̇̒͡͞ͅk̸̵̛̫͓̰͔͓̯̫̈͂́͂ͧ̃͊̋̅ͭ̂ͩ̀͢ȅ̶̢̡̳͇͉͕̝͕͗̿̆̈̃ ̴̧̰͈̯̥͈̿̓̎͆ͬ̍̈̉̀̒͜t̰̞͎͍̪̦̜̖̫̹̹̽͂ͮ̃̕h̵͈̘͇͇̰̮̟͈̽̔͐ͯ̈́̒̌̃͜é̷̩̺̼͓͉͓̣̝̲̠̣̘̜̜̱͕ͥͯ̀̽̔̍́̀͟ͅ ̵̬̘͍͔̤̤̻ͣͥͦ͑̀ͨ́͘h̶̬̫̖̗̳̣͕̪͓̭̦͇͔͓͓͕͌ͮ̐̄̓ͤͪͤ̄ͬͣͥ̀̚̚͘͘͠į̹̮͚̣̬͚̝͔̻͔̻̰̤͕͉̌̓ͫ͐̒͊͌͡v̡͔͎̱̙̲̘̙̮̠̣̲ͨ̿̓̆̔ͩͤ͌͗̆͌̑͐͗͋͜ë̡̢̫͚͎̬̩̝̪̺̥͎̰̣̱̫̗̺̲̭̼́̾̇̉͊́̈́͂̾̏͌̉ͬ-͍̘̬̠̖͓̤̲̻̖̣̻͕̠̲̹͎̿͂̓ͯͣ́̋͊̋ͣ͐̀ͤ̚͜͢ͅm̧̛̲̪̼̰̿̅ͨ̅ͫ̔ͤ̓̀̀̏̊̍̽́̀i̵͕̲̜̦͆͑ͯ̈́̄̉̒̏̅͛͛ͨ͛ͥ͗̆͋̄͢͡n̶̴͈̝̱̖̞̖͖̠̣͙̠̮̥͕̤̩̆̒ͭͨͨ̔͂͌ͬ̿͟ͅd͎̝͇̩͙̦͖̠̺͓̺̥͓̪͇̩̣͕̭́͛͗ͯ̇̾́ͯ̔̍ͥ̓̎̚͟ ̥̠̰̱͓̍͊̑̓ͨ̎ͧ͘͜r̻͚̠̠̘͖̍ͣͬ̒ͣ͛̔͑͛̃ͮͥ̀̀e̢̨͋ͨ̎̃ͨ͑ͣ͌̀̔̃ͫ̃͗̅͐̀͝҉̤̝͉̣͇p̢̻͍͇̞̉̄ͬ̽͆̇́ͧͅr̸̩̲͇̘̺͔͔̲̞̼̰͙̯̩͚͋̐̅ͯ̊ͭ̎̎ͧ͗ͧͥ̾͂̎̆̈́̀̕͡e͐ͣ͗͋́̿͒̇͊ͣ̑͛͛̚҉̷̤̣̯͔͍̺͇̞̣̫͎̬͓̥̮̺̩͉̀́ṣ̷̮͙͉̺̯ͩ͐̒͌͗͛̐̀̽ë͌͂ͬ̓̒̂̓̍̚͡͏̺̫̤̰͖͕͖͖͕̤̩̱̗̕͞n̴̸̝͉̠̮̺̬͙̳̤̖̗̣̜̝͓̬ͧͯ͂͆͗̌̏ͭ͊͘͞t̸͑͆̒ͩͦͦ͛ͩ̈ͦ͊̃͐͑̄҉̲̮͈̟̜̯ͅi̳͔̳̠̦̬̭̩̼͕̹̹͆͌ͯ̀͢͜ͅñ̸̵̨͉̤̗͈̻͖͖͈̤̪̹͈̭͐̈́͐ͬ̀͡g̸̽̎̾̎̅͛̂̄͂ͣ̕҉̷͍̖̗̜̩̞͍͍͖̭̗̭̱̞̝͝ ̢͓͉̼͈̹̽̑ͯ̒̋͛̃͞c̷̴̡̢̰͚̳̯̘̳̼̥̝̄͒́ͮͥ̇̄ͮ̈́ͬͤ̓ͩ̀͑͒̾̈͡ḩ̵̷̫̼̳͕̙ͨ̂̔͋͠͝a̵̛̩͓̤̳ͩͮ̆ͨͣ̂̽ͩ͗͋̐̒̑ͬͣͧ̽͌͝͝o͈̳̯̫̯̯̣̱̠̾́ͯ͜͠s̨̧̬̤͉̣͎̻̞̣̬̲ͦ̐ͯͭͧͨ͛̒̊̈̂̉̓̕͜͡ͅ.̡̱͓̙̘̺̱̞̞͎͓̯͓͕ͯͩ̿̅̏̅ͨ̅͑́̊͘͠͝
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