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30.09.2012 - 18:44
I am not sure should I write this in bug section, ideas or general (strategy and game tips?!) but here it goes:

I will write it extensively, so you can feel my pain and frustration, and hopefully something can be done to fix the game (players) and prevent this from happening to someone else.

World game, 3min turns. After a long elimination phase and civil war in US, I am playing as Cuba Naval comander, having both Americas, and the two allied guys are having whole Europe-Asia-Africa with their home countries in Europe. Around week 42, they start their first big attack on the East coast, but I somehow manage to surrive by dividing thier stacks and destroying them with destroyers. They then change the turn time from 3minutes to 4minutes, and start spaming troops and preparing for the next attack. I am using that time for sending waves of marines in subs form West coast to Asia, and doing a diversion in Africa. It's week 54, they are still not attacking, I have been playing for 4 hours and feel tired so I propose that we ally-end. The guy says no, that he has all night and that he is aiming for my SP. Nothing wrong with that, I continue to play - I have my first wave of marines already going towards India and Pakistan (he didn't walled cities in Asia, only ones in Europe), the last wave is near Hawai and I track his actions with my spy planes. WEEK 64: I have waited until his stack from Asia came to West Cost, it's 300 Stealth and around 100 bombers and troops. I attack with 120 destroyers and manage to reduce his stack so that he had lost all of his ground troops and his remaining stealths are all visable. His other stack (300 bombers) is in Spain, and the third one (100stealths?) is over Africa. I active my marines and gain India+3cites, Pakistan+1city, South west China, South east China, Thailand, Bejing+1city, South Korea, Japan+all cities: it's a full scale classic Afterwind's Coup d'état. Now comes the interesting part:

He says something in Turkish to the other guy and THEY CHANGE TURN TIME FROM 4MIN to 1MINUTE! Just like that. They unabled me to otherwise easily regain control over the rest of the cites in Asia, to wall everything up and engage them in equal battle over India and with the new cash flow to perpare the destroyers to defend my capital. I couldn't believe it, after more then 4 hours of playing, a move like this! I disconnected few turns later leaving them with big SP award. This two guys must be the two biggest jerks in the history of Afterwind, their names are:


It can be classified as a bug in the game, but it was unoticable since there aren't much guys who would exploit it. You have to be the lowest of the low to do such a thing.
30.09.2012 - 18:50
Welcome to Afterwind.
if you do not like it, quit. people abusing the bugs and the right to change option is normal.
30.09.2012 - 18:59
You can use the "/report" function in game to get help.

Dont make these pillory threads. They are likely to be deleted.
30.09.2012 - 19:01
Written by Tundy, 30.09.2012 at 18:50

Welcome to Afterwind.
where the community abuses all the bugs and the options to change rules.

I have been playing this game for over a year and half, and in the process have meet various assholes to put on my enemy list, but this is the whole new level. If this situation I described were more common I am sure someone would react and made changes to the rules so that all votes needed to change the time turns to 1min in cases with small amout of players.
30.09.2012 - 19:16
Written by VRIL, 30.09.2012 at 18:59

You can use the "/report" function in game to get help.

Dont make these pillory threads. They are likely to be deleted.

Didn't even know about the "report" function, I will look in up for the future. What does it active? Letter box to the Mods/Admins?

As you can see, I aren't active on forums so I wasn't sure where to put this thread, if you think it's better feel free to transfer it it to bugs section or change the title or ever remove the names of those two assholes. Anyway, the reason I opened it was not to pillory anyone, but to disscuss this particular bug(?), but subjects can also be comunity etics in Afterwind or unfairly lost games.
30.09.2012 - 19:36
The report function gets you the attention of a moderator to help you.
If there is no moderator online you can still send a PM and we will be glad to help you.

I can imagine how mad you are. But if you go to the forums and make a rage post accusing other players you are infact the one violating the rules

The forum section is alright.
Also this thread should be relevant to your interests.
30.09.2012 - 21:32
A fix for this exploit really should go into the next update.

Send the mods (us) the name of the other players and we can remove their Ill-gained SP.
01.10.2012 - 04:10
Written by Guest14502, 30.09.2012 at 21:32

A fix for this exploit really should go into the next update.

Send the mods (us) the name of the other players and we can remove their Ill-gained SP.

the easiest solution would be to change it so you can only change the time +1 or -1 from the original time
01.10.2012 - 09:23
Or require unanimous consent after a certain week, say Turn 20 or something.
04.10.2012 - 20:53
Written by VRIL, 30.09.2012 at 19:36
Also this thread should be relevant to your interests.

This is a good proposal - majority of all 'TEAMS' have to agree with the new rule. However, if it is hard to programe this in the next update, I would be happy with the maybe easier solution:

If change in game turn length is proposed after turn 20, a single "No" means that the proposal is not accepted.
05.10.2012 - 01:39
Not only to the turn lenght but this also should be applied to the maximum allowed joining turn.

I've seen before some players trying to change those rules, only to get anorher friend playig and trashing other's game
08.10.2012 - 23:00
How about after maximum joining week has passed?


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