So I was checking a expansion
there is 2 round of battle
round one http://prntscr.com/9xvevr ![](https://img.prntscr.com/img?url=http://i.imgur.com/rz9SGU1.png)
round 2 http://prntscr.com/9xvf7l ![](https://img.prntscr.com/img?url=http://i.imgur.com/YAtVwDg.png)
round one : tank score a 6 militia score a 3. -> tank have 4 hp left, militia has 1 hp left
round two: tank score a 8 militia score 4 -> tanks has 0 hp left, militia has 0 hp left or rather -7 hp left, yes militia survive
I fought against a netruel
I am no expert on game mechanics, but I have failed a few times with 1 IF tank again a single militia. The first time it happened I didn't think it was possible either. Switz seems to kill me the most....
This has been done before, defender wins in even of tie and keeps last units, I dont remember where this was proven
If both units were to die, the one defending would win the battle.
So yeah, you were unlucky. Probabilities that the militia deal 7 damages in total in the second roll (which kill your unit) are rolling a 4 first, then 3 or 4 1/4 * 2/4 = 3/16 ~18%. This is a bit inaccurate though, maybe more than 20% since as the battle goes the more chances militias have to kill your unit.
Amok specifically said that there is no "tie" in a battle. Someone has to win. In most cases it's the defender like clovis said. Both units were technically destroyed, but you can't leave 0 units. Which is why the no "tie" part comes in. Leaving the 1 militia still alive.
Happens all the time... the smaller the battle the more u need to overkill, those 1 on 1 battles are a gamble everytime, only in IF and GC u get good odds cause in IF it will in any case require 3 turns for milicia to kill ur unit and in GC unless he score twice 4(6.25% chances) same thing
Seule la victoire est belle