19.08.2015 - 08:53
I quickly run out of money, I'm a newbie and I just pick random countries, I run out of money very quickly and no matter how much land I take I go into debt and can never get out and usually get stuck where I am. Is taking seperate cities in countries important, because I never do that, also, are there certain countries that give you a very good starting point for income?
19.08.2015 - 09:10
Yes, since is a copy of the world, then U.S, Europe and Asia are richer than let's say africa or latin america. Anyway when you're in-game, try clicking on the country so it shows you their income [how much you will earn for having it]. Also, if you get all the cities of one country, you will get the "Whole country Bonus" which is +20% of that country economy. This means if you have Germany or Japan, you will earn a sweet bonus. But if you have poor countries like Ghana or Togo, you will earn almost nothing from this bonus. Try picking around the rich zones and expand through them.
19.08.2015 - 10:20
This, plus, its important to get countries ENTIRELY. it will give you a full country bonus thats 1 fifth of the entire income of that country. aswell, its debatable but i prefer regions that have more income and not necessairly as much reinforcements, thus are easier to take entirely. iran and india are huge compared to their incomes, i'd recommend taking UAE, kuwait, quatar and Baharain before taking iran. these regions are about 300-400 income, wich is more than iran wich takes longer to take. other rich regions he forgot to mention are scandinavia, benelux, switzerland and some parts of russia, more specifically: Russia Central, Ural and russia northwest. in south america costa rica, brazil (especially south) Trinidad and tobago and puerto rico. africa is quite poor and the only few countries that have at least a little bit of income are nigeria, egypt, algeria and south africa. in east asia its important to know what part of china to take, southeast and south are most important, also japan is very rich. australia is quite some income that people usally ignore because of its isolation, but its worth going for and in total has an income of about 600-700 income wich is nice
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19.08.2015 - 12:25
Just play 50k games. when you are better, you can play un or role play games
---- "War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means." ― Carl von Clausewitz
19.08.2015 - 12:46
Http://el.atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=18987 This will help you.
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15.10.2015 - 06:30
Japan in most games, India, UK, California, East Usa, Germany, Central Russia, use Imperialist, dont build units where u dont need them
---- It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them
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