18.01.2015 - 14:05
Unfortunately i dont have ss because i didnt noticed it on time, so its gonna be 'trust on my words' thing. It was cw, Mk vs Som. I was france, beserok was spain, and i nc rushed rome. So turn 2 i had around 45 units in rome. So ofc, my first move was moving my 2 nts, then units into them etc etc. Next thing i did was buying a sentry plane and breaking madrid wall. But imagine this thing, he didnt wged, he didnt attacked rome so no way he could tb it. I didnt.. haha.. khm.. i didnt merge my sentry plane with any other unit. I watched battle phase and i saw how my sentry plane and 2 infs (no idea how they got there) attack madrid wall, in which, btw, were around 5 beserok infs for some reason. Also he was that shitty dark green and it looked like the wall was open. So i tried to rush madrid.. but at the end of turn i noticed the wall was on place and i couldnt attack madrid. So i ref (on instaled motherfucking version, that means i had to restart it, 30 sec..) and had 20 sec turn. Btw, i saw my sentry plane in toulouse with 2 inf in that turn, but was like... fine.. somehow ended there.. i dont care.. madrid is broken.. i saw it.. But noooo.. idk if beserok did something, cuzz there were 3 units in wall turn 1, after that as i said around 5 units, but the wall couldnt break that turn. pure bs. And ofc, when he saw i dcd he sent 10infs with general on paris. Classic.
18.01.2015 - 16:05
Amok hates MK, only that can explain that bug.
---- http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14714&topicsearch=&page=
18.01.2015 - 18:23
19.01.2015 - 00:20
dat profile pic, what is going on there
---- TJM !!!
20.01.2015 - 03:52
Nice story!
21.01.2015 - 00:49
I personally don't play with besrok in cws or duels so many things dont add up i think he just knows a few hacks and uses them.
21.01.2015 - 12:40
Beserok is known amongst the competitive community as a hacker or bug exploiter. Many respectable players see it.
---- It's not the end.
04.02.2015 - 03:51
he rewalled lol and your sentry plane followed his walled infs
04.02.2015 - 03:55
I watched battle phase and i saw that my units attack his wall and i saw no rewall, like i said..
04.02.2015 - 07:35
Did you clicked on Madrid's units? Did you saw any movement line from there? If you did and saw the lines, then he rewalled. That you saw the battle there doesn't mean anything, he can still rewall. Also, when someone's rewall all the battles are often to pass "near the line" so that you saw a battle near doesn't mean he didn't rewalled. If you did and didn't saw the lines, then he probably attacked Rome. If you did and didn't saw the lines, plus he didn't attacked Rome (he told you, not your battle screen), then he probably mixed some units with the units that were walling and trust, your sentry followed those units. How did your two unit's end up following your sentry to Madrid's wall? Do you remember any city that you stacked or attacked with 2 units? Maybe they followed some BeSerok's units to madrid (and BeSerok mixed them with Madrid's wall.
Are you sure?