09.10.2020 - 21:05
I find that the Blitzkreig startegy might need a buff like tanks can do 1 more damage or somthing
10.10.2020 - 10:35
The whole point of blitz isn't in brute force but in out maneuvering your opponent. stack fighting isnt the way to win blitz like normal strats. you need to push all sides constantly and pressure everywhere you can to split the enemy force into small groups that get overrun
30.10.2020 - 08:38
Never played Blitz, but I assume turning your humans into airplanes means you're really trying to just poof everywhere like some crazy RPG Tutorial NPC,
---- Toast makes me very sad.
20.02.2021 - 04:22
With blitz all you need to do is outmaneuver, wall your tanks, break every wall your opponents have and strike where least expected. Also tanks cost enough that you have to try to lose the least number of tanks possible, make sure that you win all of your battles and only lose a few tanks per round
01.09.2021 - 09:04
Blitz is depending on the following: ( Advantages) 1- Faster Spread than others. 2- Intelligent maneuvering 3- Breaking walls with Militia or Infantries 4- Fast Calculations 5- Attack timing is important to take care of ( you can take a country because you are faster , But the next turn you will lose it , due to less forces) Weak Points: ( Disadvantages) 1- Attack points decrease 2- If Not Pressing every where , Surely you will Lose 3- Consumes a lot of money. 4- Loss of Concentration ( You will fight at one turn at many sides) 5- People Looks afraid from your spread, So they don't make alliance with you, but together 5- your spread looks very high , But back defense is too weak. 6- You have to look all over enemy reinforcements every turn ( So you will lose time )
07.09.2021 - 08:28
Blitz tips : 1.only if u need to take enemy land fast,like prussia in ww1 2.u need to keep ur position at the offensive one,blitz def is meme 3.defensive position with blitz strat never an option 4.since blitz take a lot of money,make sure ur income can afford it 5.if u taking a city,make sure ur enemy cant retake
---- What
09.09.2021 - 03:44
With blitz you always want to be the attacker, you dont want to be in a defensive position as blitz is shit for defense. destroy as many walls as you can reach and strike many areas. always wall all of your cities never leave a city unwalled. Beware that players will try and counter it by making defense lines thus stalling you and forcing you into a defensive postion. its unlikely a lower rank will do that but rank 10+ will, they aren't stupid. try and wall fuck where you think they could build a defense line. Wall cities as you conquer them and your stacks to to prevent being turnblocked as they can really fuck you up
09.09.2021 - 03:57
Actually leaving ur cities unwalled isn't a bad move, it is better to use all ur units to rush things and expand, if your oppenent can't reach your cities it's fine, ofc walling them is safer but if you're playing blitz, you're not here to play safe.
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