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Posted by brianwl, 05.10.2019 - 18:38
Recently a thread was archived, and a number of players expressed concern that it was a legitimate topic. i can confirm the discussion is active and mods are reviewing the facts and checking the various claims for accuracy. So while that is going on behind the scenes, the topic itself should be open for discussion, provided there's none of the personal attacks which lead to the archiving.

So having spoken with Njab and Croat, (Croat acknowledging he made some personal remarks that wasn't helping with the discussion) it seems everyone agrees that the points raised were legitimate topics.

So as long as it doesn't get personal again, and the focus remains on the facts of what happened, here are the main issues Croat introduced:

1) What are the roles of moderators when Clans 'dodge' or avoid games in order to maintain their elo standing? Should clans be punished or disqualified if they do this?

2) When a clan requests terms for their game, which is generally accepted, is there a point where this goes against the spirit of competitiveness, particularly when those demands are so restrictive that no other clan would agree to them?

3) Once picking begins, should a clan be able to leave when they don't get the countries they want?

4) Is leaving T2 when a players first moves fail or are anticipated by the other clan cheating?


I'll leave it to Croat and Njab to provide the various (relevant) screenshots in support of their claims.. this was just to get the ball rolling again.
07.10.2019 - 06:34
It seems some people do not understand how constructive arguements are made. Sadly this leads to one outcome.

This thread is temporarily locked till a decision is made. Both sides have said what they wanted and we appreciate the interest from anyone to help out.

Please refrain from recreating any similar thread.
06.11.2019 - 15:36
 brianwl (Admin)
A determination has been made, in part as a result of the discussion on this thread:



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