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20.06.2021 - 15:47
I was in need for competitive skill formula ranking for my school yard tourney, so I derived this.

As with everything regarding human factor it's not 100% accurate, and it even went through an update from school yard tourney to this thread, hopefully in the future we will find a way to factor in the fact some high value players are unable to play east/west

Formula is:

Overall elo/75 + clan wars won*(clan wars won/clan wars lost) + rank =

I hope it will be of use to you guys
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
23.06.2021 - 08:58
I am being the most competitive skilled player by that formula and with that being said, your formula is bad and not valid.

jk, it's pretty fine, even it doesnt show the real skill, but competitiveness yes.

23.06.2021 - 09:22
 Witch-Doctor (Mod)

My rank accounts for 0.4% of the score, why even include the rank.
23.06.2021 - 09:36
 Mobster (Mod)
I think you should include that player's clan's elo as well.
25.06.2021 - 15:13
So, basically, just cause somone has played no CW, he automatically has less "competitive" skill than anyone else who has won at least one of it?

Statistically speaking, that formula is only useful to determine the amount of competitive games you've played
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

25.06.2021 - 15:18
Written by RaulPB, 25.06.2021 at 15:13

So, basically, just cause somone has played no CW, he automatically has less "competitive" skill than anyone else who has won at least one of it?

Statistically speaking, that formula is only useful to determine the amount of competitive games you've played

literally says determining competitive skills
25.06.2021 - 15:36
Written by RaulPB, 25.06.2021 at 15:13

So, basically, just cause somone has played no CW, he automatically has less "competitive" skill than anyone else who has won at least one of it?

Statistically speaking, that formula is only useful to determine the amount of competitive games you've played

This was made to determine the leaders of a turnament. If you haven't played any CWs i wouldn't say you are optimal for being assigned as a team leader.
25.06.2021 - 15:38
It's a nice formula, all it needs is like a min requirement for CWs and it's gucci

25.06.2021 - 19:18
Very good
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
26.06.2021 - 08:28
Written by Witch-Doctor, 23.06.2021 at 09:22


My rank accounts for 0.4% of the score, why even include the rank.

Thread didn't save first time, so I made mistake when retyping it, overall elo/75
"****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull
out from him their body parts****" - IHY
26.06.2021 - 10:31
Who is this noob called Swans?

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