01.03.2013 - 17:15
This is my new scenario which I have been working on for the past while. The War of the Sixth Coalition is a war which takes place in Europe andn is the final war of the Napoleonic Wars. What is included? There are two teams. France and Allies (8 Players): French Empire: France, Switzerland and Duchy of Warsaw. Naples Kingdom of Italy Confederation of the Rhine: Rhineland, Mecklenburg, Saxony, Baden, Wurtemburg Netherlands: Netherlands and Dutch East Indies (The indies were technically already captured by Britain but I thought I would add in another conflict for fun) Denmark-Norway (All one country which includes Iceland and Greenland) Persia (Although not technically in the war, it fought against Russia at the same time) The United States of America: USA: West, USA: Atlantic (War of 1812) The Coalition (8 Players): Russian Empire: Russian Empire: West, Russian Empire: Central, Russian Empire: East The United Kingdom: United Kingdom, Canada, Cape of Good Hope, Madras, Bengal, Australia Spanish Empire: Spain: East, Spain: West , Rio de la Plata, Peru, New Granada, Cuba, Mexico, Philippines, Florida Austrian Empire Prussia Portuguese Empire: Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, Portuguese Mozambique, Portuguese Angola, Timor Sardinia-Sicily: Sardinia, Sicily Sweden (Includes Finland) Most of the war would take place in Europe, but there will be some war in North America and the East Indies. Some issues regarding the game, these will be crossed off when fixed: -France technically had Spain: East at the time this takes place, but this makes Spain underpowered. On the contrary, France can be underpowered without it, this has not yet been tested. I have tried fixing it by adding Toulouse and Nice while giving Barcelona to Spain. -You cannot walk on empty land even though it has borders around it. This will be fixed eventually.
16.03.2013 - 08:16
Borders could use some touching up but otherwise looks pretty good. Also, lol at the global ads in the second screenie.
---- "If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics." -The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
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