22.03.2013 - 17:09
..... doesnt really change anything if u cant attack, you can still wf lol.
22.03.2013 - 18:50
well ok yea, i guess there's not much point in WF'ing if you cant attack anyways : ) P.S. ... ily2 goblin <3 ![]()
22.03.2013 - 23:31
Looks like WF is becoming the new First turn attacks.
---- [
23.03.2013 - 01:23
I do see where you are annoyed Gobby, but the current situation is defiantly an improvement on the old situation where you would always have to expect the first turn rush and dead turn 1. The thing is these first turn WF in 9/10 situations actually damage their own chances, you know exactly what they are going to do on turn 2, arguably the most important turn in any game. So where they are rushing you they limit their expansion/consolidation in other areas. Scenario 1 - they rush you turn two, you send units back to defend, you are able to defend = loss of troops for them and little chance for further expansion, your expansion is 1 turn behind but you still have advantage. Scenario 2 - they rush you turn two, you know they are going to do this, you also know they will try to pump all units in once they have it. Your response expand more don't attempt to take it back until you can overwhelm him so you expand more. He losses position and money trying to defend it, you get it back, he is left with nothing. I do agree though, its an underhand tactic, I just think its not actually that hard to counter vs middle rank players :-)
23.03.2013 - 04:23
lolz xD
23.03.2013 - 08:50
Most of the maps arent based on competitive team games, first it was "first turn peace" which ruind some scenarios, now its no wf for for 3rd turns.. there is no writing rule such as "no wf first turn" which high ranks invented for their team games. newcomers will only be confused with those ridiculous rules... if you dont want player to wf you, play with the ones you know wont do it e.g. the ones that play those competitive team games which follow the same 'rules'. if its a tournament and the opponent wf then he instantly lose the match and the one that have been wf'd went trhough...
23.03.2013 - 13:34
Just make it impossible to enter enemy territory on turn 1. (colored part, you know his country) just like when you can't enter water with a land unit.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
23.03.2013 - 16:14
No. I prefer the current one. People we'll just have to abide by the rules of "common courtesy". If someone wfs you turn 1, just correct him and explain to him this rule. If they continue to break it, they will just have to live with the burden of "bad reputation".
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
23.03.2013 - 17:47
I prefer the way it is right now. What's next? Rework the peace rule and everyone is peaced for 10 turns?
23.03.2013 - 19:55
Lol, obv it won't go that far, I think goblins suggestion is a fair and logical one, I don't see why it should cause a problem. The only thing that will change is that people won't wall for the first 2 turns and use those troops for expantion. another possible solution is that, it will just be impossible to wf, even if you put a unit next to his cap. I don't think that is a hard thing to implement. So just making wf 'ing not work for the first turn. I think this is a better and a more simple, straightforward idea actually. : )
23.03.2013 - 20:10
Well, without wallfucking, walls become too OP. I think a good solution is to not allow wallfucking if the players were at peace the turn before (just like when a unit is near an allied wall).
23.03.2013 - 21:08
Or just take the loss and deal with it that you simply were not good enough to beat several players near you when they wf you. It not a big deal imo since its always in the very first turn not much time is wasted.
23.03.2013 - 21:52
Read these words of wisdom.
24.03.2013 - 08:56
Only for the first turn goblin, not for the whole game, i think people didnt understand me. I am saying, make it not possible to wf only first turn, then second turn you can attack the wall and wf it like normally, it is the easist and simplest solution.
24.03.2013 - 09:41
Rushing is a part of the game, Goblin. If you spawned near someone or someone spawned near you, you have to be prepared to be rushed, you have to expect that. When TB existed and you could rush each other's capitals on turn 1, you'd always have to prepare yourself, expand/TB, but also get ready to be capped. And if we have capitals that cannot be attacked until turn 3, someone in the future will complain it is unfair and push it to turn 4 or 5. And WF is also a part of the game, you yourself mentioned it were problems without it, and on turn 2 WF also serves as a "chess check", forcing your enemy to do something or he'll die (thus when he reinforces his capital you expand).
24.03.2013 - 13:59
oh right, how stupid of me to not think of that :S btw would it really be hard to program so that only on a players country, you cant WF?
24.03.2013 - 15:33
I gave you a reasonable reason, Goblin: it detracts from the game strategy. When I wallfuck, I do it to either attack someone or make someone think I'm going to attack. edit: I mean first turn WF.
24.03.2013 - 17:13
I know, and I'm opposed to exactly that. I was too general on my reply.
Are you sure?