17.10.2020 - 19:43
This is just an unfair way to win: https://imgur.com/YBbofGJ If it can't be fixed because the code is messed up and so on, why not just ban the players who abuse this exploit? it totally breaks the experience for the players who have to suffer it. I don't see any reason at all to refuse my suggestion unless you like to abuse this exploit.
17.10.2020 - 19:48
Ya, if the admins permit cheats like this more people will get tired and will leave atwar to never return, this is the reason why atwar is dying because there are players who use exploits to win and the people get tired and leave for good. Admins, wake up!
17.10.2020 - 20:38
I've said this so many times already but I'll say it again... it's on my list, it will be fixed, but it's just not the most important thing right now.
17.10.2020 - 20:49
Sure take your time to fix it, but what about banning those who abuse it? you literally have to do nothing, just give orders to your mods to ban the cheaters. we are talking about an exploit abuse here, its no joke and some players are ruining the game experience to others with it.
17.10.2020 - 21:27
I'm pretty sure the mods discussed this before but I don't remember exactly. Personally I don't mind if we ban them all, but there might have been some other reasons holding us back, I'm not sure. I'll talk with the mods and find out.
17.10.2020 - 21:29
Personally, I don't think seawallers should be straight up banned. I think of it like TB's, a glitch that made its way into the competitive scene. Of course, seawalls are going to get fixed eventually, but until then just banning people for it seems really unnecessary. For example, Destiny 2 has massive content drops, and sometimes glitches make their way through. Bungie (the creators) allows players to use these glitches until they're patched, saying "It's the developer's fault this stuff is in the game- not the players. We shouldn't ban players for our issues." Just ignore it until Dave has time to fix it. That's my opinion.
17.10.2020 - 21:37
I don't agree, certain exploits such as getting loot for free in destiny don't really hurt the gaming experience, seawall exploit on the other hand can severely change a game, just see the aberration in the OP pic, my movements where severely limited and the user who was using the exploits clearly had an unfair manouver advantadge again'ts me in that moment, when an exploits affects a third party its NOT harmless and NOT everyone is a "competitive" player
17.10.2020 - 21:39
Seawalls are a part of the game. it is used a lot in scenarios and competitive. it is too integral to the game to call it a bug or an exploit.
17.10.2020 - 21:40
Explain that to the players who leave to never return. Who simply are too sick of things like that. Admins should be really strict with things like this. I suggest to ban those players who abuse this glitch until the glitch is fixed, it seems fair. If nothing is done, atwar will lose loyal players who enjoy the game and who tell their friends to join or who are premium users themselves. To save those who play dirty, atwar will lose those who play clean and want atwar to keep growing. And those who play dity will just create a new account and use a dinamic IP and will be playing again and won't use that glitch anymore because they know they will be banned. But those who are sick of the glitch will leave for ever and no new account will be made. Admins wake up, this is something serious.
17.10.2020 - 21:43
Use fucking ships if you want to seawall just like its supossed to be
17.10.2020 - 21:43
I'm awake. Are you awake? Cuz you didn't seem to read what I already said:
17.10.2020 - 21:43
Okay, that's a valid point. Despite that, I still think banning players should be used in rare circumstances, such as extreme toxicity or hacking, not something that's been around for years. In the end though, it's the moderator team's choice. Have a good day/night Iris
17.10.2020 - 21:44
what's the big deal? you can break these sea walls and these units die instantly. its not like the information on seawalls are hidden?
17.10.2020 - 21:48
The majority of players don't know how to do it and those who exploit it obviously won't tell, its abuse.
17.10.2020 - 21:48
It's worse than tb tho. People wall whole continents and wait for the turn limit. Tbs dont completely ruin the game.
17.10.2020 - 21:50
this thread is literally on the first page of game strategy and tips and it explains how to create these walls https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=45466
17.10.2020 - 21:52
I mean about killing those units not about using the exploit, regardless its still abuse and unfair.
17.10.2020 - 22:03
can't you just kill them with planes and ships? why do you think this is an exploit when it's been used for years and is now an important mechanic in the game?
17.10.2020 - 22:08
There's no planes in some maps, ships can't kill them, i tried from every angle and even using land units in the sea, there's no way to break a seawall in ancient, colonial, medieval and other maps without planes, and if there is, its probably complicated to do, when you will understand that this should not be allowed?
17.10.2020 - 22:12
you just hit the center. this should be fairly easy to do...
17.10.2020 - 22:18
Did you actually played a map with this issue ever? i tried to hit everywhere, only in few cases i managed to hit isolated units, but not the lines, the warship just won't attack them
17.10.2020 - 22:31
Wtf is this thread .. seawalling is art and skill .. you can easily destroy it and wf it just like all walls .. why are you whining .. get better lol
---- Meso
17.10.2020 - 23:05
I've broken seawalls with ships no problem. Other people tell me the walls can't be broken, which doesn't make any fucking sense. Somebody make a game and invite me so we can test it once and for all.
17.10.2020 - 23:07
Agreed, kick the people who abuse this glitch from the game
---- RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
17.10.2020 - 23:15
No it's not, a glitch in the system is not skill
---- RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
17.10.2020 - 23:17
its not a bug/glitch .. its part of the game .. the screen shot attached in this post .. i only see someone getting outplayed hahaha
you certainly can .. just gotta hover over the wall line and not the wall units .. it comes with experience .. which is why i said get better
---- Meso
17.10.2020 - 23:27
It is a bug/glitch, your suppose to wall with naval units, not infantry. and you can't even when hovering, its only possible with naval units as proven. I think your confusing colonial supremacy with world map.
---- RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
17.10.2020 - 23:34
bruh .. militias (not even infantries) are way cheaper why waste money on expensive ships .. gotta be economically smart and use what the game offers you and yep i never said u can destroy them with anything but naval or air units
---- Meso
17.10.2020 - 23:39
Come online
Are you sure?