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01.04.2013 - 18:48

Ok, i understand what you are getting at here i think, but you are not liking the evolving of your cards through medals, and the ugrading it to give a passive skill.

so here i will try to explain exactly why i decided to implement it this way.

note: the purpose of using italics (and the name change) is to try and define the two ideas different , which i didn't do very well in the video.

1. The Evolving through medals to give better activatable abilities in your cards
The entire point of this is so that the player gets some sense of achievement when they unlock a medal, they already know that there card will evolve at that point and they will feel great when it does, and they know that when they have, they will have an extra benefit to use in game.
You say them evolving will make High ranked members more powerful. Yes, it will, each medal level gives a new ability that you can also use with your previous ones all at once. but you can only use this ability for one turn. If for example you were to use it at the wrong time, on the wrong stacks, or your enemy tricked you into using them at the wrong time, then you will have wasted the card. it will be more about using the ability at the right time, instead of having tons of passive upgrades like the current high ranks have.

2.The purchase of Upgrades to give passive abilities to your cards
The entire point of this is to give a reason to your sp that is far less overpowered than the current upgrades that are in game. You say this will still be overpowered, no, high ranks will still be at an advantage, it only makes sense that they should be, but they will be at far less of an advantage because they can only take a maximum amount of cards into the game default 5, and customisable in options, you can even DISABLE cards, premium feature, to give a completely level playing field etc so it will be so much less powerful than the insane 20-30 something upgrades we currently have. also, if high ranks want to go crazy and have 20 cards in a game for some fun, they are more than welcome to.

3. why your ideas of buying passive cards, and cheap active cards is a bit messy (and also IMO helps higher ranks)
Ok, so while low ranks are concentrating all their sp on buying the passive benefits, which of course they will be doing because they give the permanent benefits throughout the entire game. high ranks will be using all the sp they have to pump as many active cards as they want and using them in game, giving them the advantage right?.

So now the reason why i have combined the idea of having active and passive abilities.
It is so you can very easily pick out the benefits of the card and what strategy it goes with which is perfect because in your strategy cards menu (out of game menu) you will have the ability to set up, in order of importance (in case in game there are more or less than 5 cards) all of your cards and hook them to the strategy you currently have selected in the menu where you currently choose your strategy. this is so that when you go in game, you will never actually have to pick out your cards every game you play, you will of course have the option to adjust them slightly, but you should always know the benefits of your strategy, and the cards you have chosen for them so you have a definitive strategy going into the game. (thanks to desu and acqui especially for thoughts on this)

4. there must be standard cards all players get.
Yes, of course there should be, i always had this in my mind and assumed you all would expect there to be, but i wasn't entirely sure how they would work originally, so i didn't say anything until i was sure, i have been thinking it through and i have come up with a way they could be implemented very easily.
Originally i said in the first video that strategy medals (winning so many games with a strat would give you a medal that gives you a card that you can upgrade, blah blah)
instead of this, all strategies will have a FREE for ALL players card that are exactly the same as the ones we can earn but are un-upgradable and already start at silver level with a passive ability. this will give you a good selection of starting cards to give every player a fighting chance, and also introduce everyone to the ideas of cards.

5. certain cards are earnable through gameplay (or missions... maybe)
thinking and looking back to the way Amok and Ivan originally envisioned cards to be in the first place, cards that are earnable through gameplay and you lose them at the end of the game. this is something that is very very easy to fit in with the ideas we currently have thought of.

you would get very simple "Rare cards" earnable through gameplay, one active OR one passive (eg, +1 defence for all units, +1 reinforce, +% pop increase etc) that you would earn exactly the same way that you earn Rare units in game, you have a small chance to to get them (passive less so)

They only effect the country of the city you received it in
again, like all cards they are only activated on turn 4, but you can find them before that
the cards will have either a positive or a negative bonus
passive cards can be stolen (or effectively they just always stay in the city, you lose it's bonus to the city if it's taken) thanks to hugo especially for this idea.
active cards cannot be stolen (for strategical purposes)
cards can be ditched (deleted, dumped, w/e)

reason for ditching is obvious, so that your enemy doesn't get the bonus if you think you can't win.
reason active cards aren't stolen is so that if the enemy takes the city, you can use the negative active bonus to help you regain it, (but keep in mind it effects the entire country)
reasons for not till turn 4 is to stop stupidity.
reasons for both negative/positive is so that it mixes the gameplay and strategy. for example you could ditch your city that has a negative active card, to lure him in, this will also make people think twice before trying to jew countries that seem to be under-defended also you could keep the negative passive card and hope he isn't paying attention, meaning you have an easy route to taking it back and him wasting his forces.

6. How will strategies and new units be unlocked? Also, how will they be effected by this update.
These will be upgrades exactly the same as they are now. the prices will have to be standardised of courrse. currently the prices for new strategies are all over that place. i am thinking a standard of 2500SP for strats and 1000SP for new units is fair. this allows new players to try out everything new very cheaply and also get those all important easy to get and free with the strategy cards.
Also of course with change comes a large amount of balancing issues that will be ironed out eventually, so strats may have to be changed accordingly.
the only possible major change to a strat i can think is lucky bastard. The change will add a few more benefits to lucky bastard in that it will have a higher drop chance for Rare cards and Rare units. The ultimate Gambler Strategy

7. How is my General Effected by this Update?
Again, General upgrades will be exactly the same, the only difference will be the way the general is customisable. basically you will be able to customise your general in exactly the same manor that your preset your strategy with cards. there will be a maximum amount of passives you can stack your general. you can of course change your generals passive and pre set them so they fit perfectly with your current strategy. WIth here being a limit to general passive abilities, this also means there can be a larger variety of them, capped at a standard price er upgrade. I am thinking maybe 1000SP per general upgrade and new upgrades will include attack, defense, hp, range for all different variation's of unit's and such.

8. Will my upgrades be Refundable?
Simple answer. No
you succeeding in game is all about you making the right choices, buying the right upgrades, selecting the right loadout. This idea would be totally be removed if you could just take back what you did and try all over again to get everything right, high ranks will of course have that adaptability because they have the earned the right to have it. but adaptability doesn't always give you an advantage, survival of the fittest deems those who adapt the best will succeed.

Thanks to Hugosch for his especially for his suggestions, and everyone else i have talked to and have given ideas, Learster, Fruit, Terminal, Tophats, Acquiesce, desu and more.

extras for interest

Converstation with Learster, these two conversations cover things i may have missed, or goes into a (possibly) more understandable dept about my ideas
edit: added a third very relevant disccussion with fruit and terminal.

this should also hopefully make you more confident that i am up for a chat, in game, in the forums, in pm, and that good ideas are always appreciated. thanks

please read all of these, the are defo some really good ideas from acqui especially concerning game options and cards

01.04.2013 - 19:20
I just wanna say that I'm mentioned in this video. I'd like to thank Malice, first of all for this honor, doberman211 for inviting Counterpart who invited me. I couldn't have done it without you guys. Also thanks to the sixstar team (acquiesce, nateballer and stomach ulcers).

On topic, great work. You reveal a very old idea that was never implemented that would work wonders for Atwar on a entertainment and business perspective. Atwar cards would add a new alternative to upgrades and enhance the worth of medals. Of course, like Malice mentioned, premium members would have a slight advantage considering the gold and crimson medals, but all these things can be adjusted. This would also enhance Atwar on the business aspect that could very much add more reason for people to buy packages.

The point really is that this would add diversity and creativity to Atwar. Also, would help on players' motivational standpoint as well.

Great video, and I support.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
02.04.2013 - 02:43
Nikola Tesla
Account deleted
Let me get this straight, you are talking about atWar getting cards to buy in real life then activate them in game for SP or some new unit or strat?
02.04.2013 - 05:09
No, you earn the card through a medal, this card upgrades when you get a higher medal.

They are activated in game to give benifits linked to the medal you won.
02.04.2013 - 06:01
So gonna throw out some card ideas

Simple rules
1. Cards are able to be used from turn 4, not earlier
2. All Cards UPGRADE, meaning you will not have the previous card when you earn the previous, this is to prevent clutter of your card inventory with useless cards.
3. You can only activate 1 CARD per turn. this is to stop certain combination of cards becoming far too powerful

SP Boosts. - can only take one of these cards into the game, and they count for every action you do throughout the game, but not your enemies (protocoin sp points do effectively double what you get from your opponents.

Games Won (a passive card, activated if you win)
Bronze: +0.5% sp for the game
Silver: +1% sp for the game
Gold: +2.5% sp for the game
Crimson: +5% sp for the game

Games played (given whether you win or lose, must activate at some point)
Bronze: +0.5% sp for a turn
Silver: +1% sp for a turn
Gold: +2.5% sp for a turn
Crimson: +5% sp for a turn

Games Lost (a passive card, activated if you lose)
Bronze: +0.5% sp for the game
Silver: +1% sp for the game
Gold: +2.5% sp for the game
Crimson: +5% sp for the game

Units killed boosts. - Can only activate one of these per turn, and they only are active for one turn

Ground: Main Attack units killed
Bronze: +1 Range for all Ground Main Attack units
silver: +1 Range, +1 HP for all Ground Main Attack units
Gold: +1 Range, +1 HP, -10 Cost for all Ground Main Attack units for
Crimson: +1 Range, +1 HP, -10 Cost, +1 Attack for all Ground Main Attack units

Note to developers: i believe that the formula for upkeep is that it is one tenth of the unit cost. what is important with this card, than the -10 cost also reduces the upkeep for the unit for 1 turn, which effectively is what happens when you reduce the cost of a unit through a strategy.
tip to players: This is why IMP is so OP, not only can you build an insane amount of troops, but you can keep building these cheaper troops for a longer period before your upkeep drops.

Ground: Special Attack Units
Bronze: +3 Crit for all Ground Special Attack Units
Silver: +3 Crit, +1 range for all Ground Special Attack Units
Gold: +3 Crit, +1 range, +1 HP for all Ground Special Attack Units
Crimson +3 Crit, +1 range, +1 HP, +1ATK for all Ground Special Attack Units

Note: maybe you think this card is too OP considering the stats it gives. but bear in mind that there is no strategy that increases the stats of your special attack units, and also the standard map has none you can build. this is mainly for scenarios, and special attack units will most likely be expensive and powerful units already, so i can't se much harm done here.

I do have many more (the have fairly similar bases) for other cards.
atm i am stuck for ideas for the (battles won) section of medals, any ideas would be appreciated.
i'm done for now though, more updates later maybe, haha.
02.04.2013 - 09:33
 Acquiesce (Mod)
A higher rank should give you more options, not make you stronger player.

Also, I would love the addition of cargo ships.
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
02.04.2013 - 17:14
So it seems that i few people had trouble distinguishing between cards upgrading through medals, and you spending sp to give it it's passive ability.

so how about this

when you gain a new medal your card will "evolve" - flashing lights explosion, pow you now have a new evolved card that gives you an extra benefit for the turn you activate it

then you can spend sp to "upgrade" a card so that it gives a passive benefit so that when it is in your card selection that you have chosen, it will give that benefit throughout the game.
03.04.2013 - 07:19
Can't wait to join a game and get like 40~ cards.

I do like the idea. I think one of the draw backs of atWar is the lack of being able to customize things as a player. Cards that evolve as you play, and being able to choose which ones to use per game, may influence that without becoming too complicated. It's the reason why kids today sit and customize CoD load-outs for hours at a time just to tweak things here and there, just to make them to fit to their style of play. People WANT to customize things so the way they play is fresh or at the top of their condition.

Think it's obvious I'd like an option to allow or not allow the use of cards though(for the competitive aspect).

Also, "And you elitists, bad on you if you think this is a bad idea," I lold a bit when you said that.
03.04.2013 - 07:57
Written by Desu, 03.04.2013 at 07:19

Can't wait to join a game and get like 40~ cards.

I do like the idea. I think one of the draw backs of atWar is the lack of being able to customize things as a player. Cards that evolve as you play, and being able to choose which ones to use per game, may influence that without becoming too complicated. It's the reason why kids today sit and customize CoD load-outs for hours at a time just to tweak things here and there, just to make them to fit to their style of play. People WANT to customize things so the way they play is fresh or at the top of their condition.

Think it's obvious I'd like an option to allow or not allow the use of cards though(for the competitive aspect).

Also, "And you elitists, bad on you if you think this is a bad idea," I lold a bit when you said that.

yes, me and acqui talked in that private chat and said it is important that the players are in control of the rules of how they are used.

and yeah, tweaking and customising is cool, you made some more valid points as to why this will work, :p thanks.
03.04.2013 - 15:50
Took some time for me, but i watched (and read) the whole things now. The basic idea seems very good to me. This game can use some new upgrades that make it more strategic and also give you a possibility to make it somewhat complex without scaring off the newbies. I noticed that the current experienced players are playing less games, i think that has to do with the fact that they do know all strategies and know all maps, there is nothing new to find out. Idea's like this (the cards), making the coalitions more competitive but also the idea of the government (in that other topic) are great idea's to me, and would really get some older players (including myself) back to this game with trying out new strategies. This card idea has some potential!

But anyway, back to the cards topic:
I very much like the idea of buying cards. Also the maximum of 5 (and 4 for non-premium) that can be used in one game seems very good to me. A few other additions that i was thinking about:

A problem with the cards (like you already noticed) is that it makes premium members, or high ranked members more OP then lower ranked members. There are a few ways to reduce this. I've tried to make a few idea's about this, with also giving more explenation about the 'passive' and 'active' cards.

  • First i want to state that i don't like that the cards are 'upgradable'. If you do this, then lower ranks will have less power cards, while giving the higher ranks a huge advantage. Instead of that, you can make a lot of different kind of cards. Also, you can make cards disposable, so you can use them just once and then need to buy them again. This will prevent players having all upgrades, and it will stimulate more variation in using the cards.
  • You make passive and active cards (like you already explained). Passive cards will help your trough a entire game (for example: giving you -1 gold for purchasing units for the whole game). Active cards can be used just once in a game (for example: +1 Attack for the selected stack in 1 turn).
  • Passive cards can be brought trough upgrades (in the same upgrade screen). They can be used in every game and you will not lose them thoughout your game (and they will move back to your inventory once your game is over, so you can use them again).
  • Active cards can be brought with SP and are very cheap. But when it is used in your game, you will lose the card and you need to buy it again for a next match.
  • There must be some standard passive cards that everyone has, like you also have standard strategies that everyone can use. So also newbies are able to use some standard cards. And it is possible to play with cards without spending too much SP on them.
  • When you kill your opponent (by taking his capital) and he didn't use all his active cards, you earn his active cards and they are added to your inventory.
  • When you get killed while you didn't use your active cards, you lose them offcource.
  • There are some 'special' active cards that you can't buy, but are only available when you've done a certain mission (like; killing 100 bombers in one match, will give you a bomber card). Once you used the card, you need to do you mission again, to unluck the card again.
  • Active cards can be sold (if you have to many) for SP but you can also give away cards to one of your friends

    Maybe i have some more idea's about the cards. But the basic idea from Malice seems very good to me. This gives a lot new opportunities for this game and its players and it will give more variations of gaming.

    PS. The cargo seems also a good idea to me (but less interesting then the cards).
  • ----
    Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
    03.04.2013 - 16:36
    I dont support cards it will make the game hard to understand some people dont under dtand strategys i support cargo ships tho
    03.04.2013 - 18:34
    Written by Cpt.Magic, 03.04.2013 at 16:36

    I dont support cards it will make the game hard to understand some people dont under dtand strategys i support cargo ships tho

    >don't put it in because i won't understand it.
    this is a strategy game, if you can't understand what a strategy is. Why are you playing?

    with my ideas we will hopefully eventually have a system that combines medals, upgrades and cards flawlessly together into something that will be even more rewarding and as easy to grip as our current system. and a hell of a lot fairer to all players.

    Written by Hugosch, 03.04.2013 at 15:50


    Ok, i understand what you are getting at here i think, but you are not liking the evolving of your cards through medals, and the ugrading it to give a passive skill.

    so here i will try to explain exactly why i decided to implement it this way.

    note: the purpose of using italics (and the name change) is to try and define the two ideas different , which i didn't do very well in the video.

    1. The Evolving through medals to give better activatable abilities in your cards
    The entire point of this is so that the player gets some sense of achievement when they unlock a medal, they already know that there card will evolve at that point and they will feel great when it does, and they know that when they have, they will have an extra benefit to use in game.
    You say them evolving will make High ranked members more powerful. Yes, it will, each medal level gives a new ability that you can also use with your previous ones all at once. but you can only use this ability for one turn. If for example you were to use it at the wrong time, on the wrong stacks, or your enemy tricked you into using them at the wrong time, then you will have wasted the card. it will be more about using the ability at the right time, instead of having tons of passive upgrades like the current high ranks have.

    2.The purchase of Upgrades to give passive abilities to your cards
    The entire point of this is to give a reason to your sp that is far less overpowered than the current upgrades that are in game. You say this will still be overpowered, no, high ranks will still be at an advantage, it only makes sense that they should be, but they will be at far less of an advantage because they can only take a maximum amount of cards into the game default 5, and customisable in options, you can even DISABLE cards, premium feature, to give a completely level playing field etc so it will be so much less powerful than the insane 20-30 something upgrades we currently have. also, if high ranks want to go crazy and have 20 cards in a game for some fun, they are more than welcome to.

    3. why your ideas of buying passive cards, and cheap active cards is a bit messy (and also IMO helps higher ranks)
    Ok, so while low ranks are concentrating all their sp on buying the passive benefits, which of course they will be doing because they give the permanent benefits throughout the entire game. high ranks will be using all the sp they have to pump as many active cards as they want and using them in game, giving them the advantage right?.

    So now the reason why i have combined the idea of having active and passive abilities.
    It is so you can very easily pick out the benefits of the card and what strategy it goes with which is perfect because in your strategy cards menu (out of game menu) you will have the ability to set up, in order of importance (in case in game there are more or less than 5 cards) all of your cards and hook them to the strategy you currently have selected in the menu where you currently choose your strategy. this is so that when you go in game, you will never actually have to pick out your cards every game you play, you will of course have the option to adjust them slightly, but you should always know the benefits of your strategy, and the cards you have chosen for them so you have a definitive strategy going into the game.

    4. there must be standard cards all players get.
    Yes, of course there should be, i always had this in my mind and assumed you all would expect there to be, but i wasn't entirely sure how they would work originally, so i didn't say anything until i was sure, i have been thinking it through and i have come up with a way they could be implemented very easily.
    Originally i said in the first video that strategy medals (winning so many games with a strat would give you a medal that gives you a card that you can upgrade, blah blah)
    instead of this, all strategies will have a FREE for ALL players card that are exactly the same as the ones we can earn but are un-upgradable and already start at silver level with a passive ability. this will give you a good selection of starting cards to give every player a fighting chance, and also introduce everyone to the ideas of cards.

    5. certain cards are earnable through gameplay (or missions... maybe)
    thinking and looking back to the way Amok and Ivan originally envisioned cards to be in the first place, cards that are earnable through gameplay and you lose them at the end of the game. this is something that is very very easy to fit in with the ideas we currently have thought of.

    you would get very simple "Rare cards" earnable through gameplay, one active OR one passive (eg, +1 defence for all units, +1 reinforce, +% pop increase etc) that you would earn exactly the same way that you earn Rare units in game, you have a small chance to to get them (passive less so)

    They only effect the country of the city you received it in
    again, like all cards they are only activated on turn 4, but you can find them before that
    the cards will have either a positive or a negative bonus
    passive cards can be stolen (or effectively they just always stay in the city, you lose it's bonus to the city if it's taken) thanks to hugo especially for this idea.
    active cards cannot be stolen (for strategical purposes)
    cards can be ditched (deleted, dumped, w/e)

    reason for ditching is obvious, so that your enemy doesn't get the bonus if you think you can't win.
    reason active cards aren't stolen is so that if the enemy takes the city, you can use the negative active bonus to help you regain it, (but keep in mind it effects the entire country)
    reasons for not till turn 4 is to stop stupidity.
    reasons for both negative/positive is so that it mixes the gameplay and strategy. for example you could ditch your city that has a negative active card, to lure him in, this will also make people think twice before trying to jew countries that seem to be under-defended also you could keep the negative passive card and hope he isn't paying attention, meaning you have an easy route to taking it back and him wasting his forces.

    Thanks to Hugosch for his especially for his suggestions, and everyone else i have talked to and have given ideas, Learster, Fruit, Terminal, Tophats, Acquiesce and more.
    03.04.2013 - 21:36
    My Suggestion:

    Each upgrade becomes a card. Each card starts off as a basic card that can be used for one turn. All basic cards are available to rank 2+. Basic cards can be upgraded to silver cards for x amount of sp and make the effects last for 10 turns. Silver cards can be upgraded to Gold cards which last 25 rounds. Then there is Crimson cards that last 50 rounds.

    So when you create a game you have the option to limit how many effects can be going on at a time. Lets say it's 5 effects... then in the beginning you can select 5 cards to use from the list. When you select them they disappear from the list and cannot be picked again. If you want to change the effect if lets say it lasts 50 rounds then you can cancel a effect but you still can't choose that card again. This allows for cards to be used for early expansion and cards to be used for lets say more blitzkrieg like or more Iron fist like.

    Since SP limits how many cards you can have maxed up this gives higher ranks more options. Since cards will be able to be sold back so you can spend that sp on other cards instead then that allows a low rank to have 5 maxed up with relatively little sp. That player won't have the options though that the high rank has. This allows I believe for low ranks to be just as powerful as high ranks, but with less options than the high ranks have. This could be considered a disadvantage still but I believe this is a fair one.

    I do not believe the medal system would be ideal because it would lend itself to players grinding for medals. It is not a healthy practice for anyone to go to a game just to grind a medal out, they should be instead just enjoying the game. Medals are still good I believe for SP as it is now. Having premium still has it's primary benefit of allowing users to create maps/load world map/edit options/sp bonuses/some strategies. Premium as it is allows players to have more options with slightly increasing SP to allow a advantage but not so much that it can't be overcome by a non-premium. I did not get premium because of SP... I got it because I love playing the World Map under my settings. Having that option is what makes it so nice.

    The primary of my system I believe is it will allow a rank 2 to be just as powerful as a rank 12 on the first turn. From there on SP will matter, however a rank 3-5 will have enough SP to spend on the cards to at least get them to Gold level if not Crimson for 5 cards which will allow them to be as powerful as a rank 12, but restricted as far as options go.

    ~Barack Obama
    04.04.2013 - 05:18
    Written by McBamBam, 03.04.2013 at 21:36

    My Suggestion:

    Each upgrade becomes a card. Each card starts off as a basic card that can be used for one turn. All basic cards are available to rank 2+. Basic cards can be upgraded to silver cards for x amount of sp and make the effects last for 10 turns. Silver cards can be upgraded to Gold cards which last 25 rounds. Then there is Crimson cards that last 50 rounds.

    So when you create a game you have the option to limit how many effects can be going on at a time. Lets say it's 5 effects... then in the beginning you can select 5 cards to use from the list. When you select them they disappear from the list and cannot be picked again. If you want to change the effect if lets say it lasts 50 rounds then you can cancel a effect but you still can't choose that card again. This allows for cards to be used for early expansion and cards to be used for lets say more blitzkrieg like or more Iron fist like.

    So what you are saying is that you will be able to upgrade your cards with sp even further than i have planned so they can give greater benefits.

    Isn't this futher aiding higher ranks. who will have all these cards upgraded to crimson?

    Written by McBamBam, 03.04.2013 at 21:36

    Since SP limits how many cards you can have maxed up this gives higher ranks more options. Since cards will be able to be sold back so you can spend that sp on other cards instead then that allows a low rank to have 5 maxed up with relatively little sp. That player won't have the options though that the high rank has. This allows I believe for low ranks to be just as powerful as high ranks, but with less options than the high ranks have. This could be considered a disadvantage still but I believe this is a fair one.

    I am totally against disposable sp (spending it like cash, for a simple one use) and i'm against refunds for reasons said in point 8 above.

    Written by McBamBam, 03.04.2013 at 21:36

    I do not believe the medal system would be ideal because it would lend itself to players grinding for medals. It is not a healthy practice for anyone to go to a game just to grind a medal out, they should be instead just enjoying the game. Medals are still good I believe for SP as it is now. Having premium still has it's primary benefit of allowing users to create maps/load world map/edit options/sp bonuses/some strategies. Premium as it is allows players to have more options with slightly increasing SP to allow a advantage but not so much that it can't be overcome by a non-premium. I did not get premium because of SP... I got it because I love playing the World Map under my settings. Having that option is what makes it so nice.

    Yes, there would be obbssesive players who grind out certain medals. this is to be expected. by for most players it would just be, yeah i'll play until i upgrade, get my passives and i'll be raring to go.

    Written by McBamBam, 03.04.2013 at 21:36

    The primary of my system I believe is it will allow a rank 2 to be just as powerful as a rank 12 on the first turn. From there on SP will matter, however a rank 3-5 will have enough SP to spend on the cards to at least get them to Gold level if not Crimson for 5 cards which will allow them to be as powerful as a rank 12, but restricted as far as options go.

    also, all low ranks will get starter (basic) cards with my suggestion,, by the time you have unlocked every strategy you will have a fair amount of cards usable to your advantage. all this is further explained in points 1 through 4 (especially 4) in the top post.

    13.04.2013 - 11:05
    The Cargo ships idea is absolute boss. Nuff said.
    01.05.2013 - 15:29
    This entire card idea sounds like a game I used to play before Afterwind called Incursion. It was created using the Byond Dream Maker program. I was wondering if this is where that idea came from? Or did it come from just Risk-like cards?

    Anyways, I love the idea of cargo ships, and I was against the idea of cards at first, but after watching the second video, I agree that this is a great idea. 5 upgrades per game. Would add another great strategic element to AW.

    One thing though that is completely off topic, can we just get rid of non Extra cities maps? What is even the point of maps without extra cities? Why not just make the default map have the extra cities and call it good?
    "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

    "In this game, everyone is hated."
    01.05.2013 - 17:43
    Well yeah, point 5 in the post is very similar to risk cards in a way i guess, the other ideas are all pretty original i think.
    12.08.2013 - 17:23
    Written by tophat, 01.04.2013 at 19:20

    I just wanna say that I'm mentioned in this video. I'd like to thank Malice, first of all for this honor, doberman211 for inviting Counterpart who invited me. I couldn't have done it without you guys. Also thanks to the sixstar team (acquiesce, nateballer and stomach ulcers).

    On topic, great work. You reveal a very old idea that was never implemented that would work wonders for Atwar on a entertainment and business perspective. Atwar cards would add a new alternative to upgrades and enhance the worth of medals. Of course, like Malice mentioned, premium members would have a slight advantage considering the gold and crimson medals, but all these things can be adjusted. This would also enhance Atwar on the business aspect that could very much add more reason for people to buy packages.

    The point really is that this would add diversity and creativity to Atwar. Also, would help on players' motivational standpoint as well.

    Great video, and I support.

    ok so the one thing i dont get from this video is if you are he or she

    15.03.2014 - 09:19
    This seems a bit like Warframe if that's what your getting at?

    You get a pool of cards from drops, playing the game, etc, and you select the ones with the bonuses you prefer. Leveling up the card gives bigger bonuses, so like maybe -1 cost becomes -2? Something like that?
    Capitalism, Ho!
    15.03.2014 - 09:58
    Written by EpicRice, 15.03.2014 at 09:19

    This seems a bit like Warframe if that's what your getting at?

    You get a pool of cards from drops, playing the game, etc, and you select the ones with the bonuses you prefer. Leveling up the card gives bigger bonuses, so like maybe -1 cost becomes -2? Something like that?

    never played Warframe.

    was just risk ideas expanded making it try to fit into an atwar style upgrade system.
    23.03.2014 - 05:10
    Just make the game less pay to play, as the game progressively got more and more premium-oriented the balance went to shit. Back in beta there was actually strategy (even a little afterwards) and you had to know what you were doing to win, but now that it's so pay-to-win it's boring and that's one of the reasons I quit, as did many others. Sorry if I'm not giving feedback on this podcast which I'm sure has great ideas, but the updates should focus on fixing this balance
    I was banned for your sins

    VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
    28.03.2014 - 19:30
    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 23.03.2014 at 05:10

    Just make the game less pay to play, as the game progressively got more and more premium-oriented the balance went to shit. Back in beta there was actually strategy (even a little afterwards) and you had to know what you were doing to win, but now that it's so pay-to-win it's boring and that's one of the reasons I quit, as did many others. Sorry if I'm not giving feedback on this podcast which I'm sure has great ideas, but the updates should focus on fixing this balance

    what? if youre gonna quit at least quit for a reason that makes sense. a 1 time payment of 40$ puts you on par with all the other premium members. and the only advantage this affords gameplaywise is it gives you a gen. the premium strats are just strats, if you suck with non prem strats youll suck with them too.

    having played true pay2win games where the players around you can and do drop upwards of 5k$ on in game upgrades i laugh when i see people grumble about the measly 40$ theyre asked to pay for hours of entertainment here.
    30.03.2014 - 13:40
    Written by Permamuted, 28.03.2014 at 19:30

    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 23.03.2014 at 05:10

    Just make the game less pay to play, as the game progressively got more and more premium-oriented the balance went to shit. Back in beta there was actually strategy (even a little afterwards) and you had to know what you were doing to win, but now that it's so pay-to-win it's boring and that's one of the reasons I quit, as did many others. Sorry if I'm not giving feedback on this podcast which I'm sure has great ideas, but the updates should focus on fixing this balance

    what? if youre gonna quit at least quit for a reason that makes sense. a 1 time payment of 40$ puts you on par with all the other premium members. and the only advantage this affords gameplaywise is it gives you a gen. the premium strats are just strats, if you suck with non prem strats youll suck with them too.

    having played true pay2win games where the players around you can and do drop upwards of 5k$ on in game upgrades i laugh when i see people grumble about the measly 40$ theyre asked to pay for hours of entertainment here.

    cannot tell if serious or low-tier trolling
    I was banned for your sins

    VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
    30.03.2014 - 14:17
    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 30.03.2014 at 13:40

    cannot tell if serious or low-tier trolling

    the only reason you wouldnt be able to tell if i am serious or not is if you found what i posted so outrageous it couldnt be for real.

    i dont engage in low tier trolling, so yes i am serious. so please explain how this game is pay2win? and how the 1 time fee of 40$ for potentially years of entertainment is so outrageous when many people drop 60$ on a playstation game they clear in a few days and never touch again.
    30.03.2014 - 20:58
    Written by Permamuted, 30.03.2014 at 14:17

    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 30.03.2014 at 13:40

    cannot tell if serious or low-tier trolling

    the only reason you wouldnt be able to tell if i am serious or not is if you found what i posted so outrageous it couldnt be for real.

    i dont engage in low tier trolling, so yes i am serious. so please explain how this game is pay2win? and how the 1 time fee of 40$ for potentially years of entertainment is so outrageous when many people drop 60$ on a playstation game they clear in a few days and never touch again.

    A game that is advertised as free should not be pay to win. You need to pay for your general, a very important part of the game, like really? It's ridiculous
    I was banned for your sins

    VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
    31.03.2014 - 06:19
    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 30.03.2014 at 20:58

    Written by Permamuted, 30.03.2014 at 14:17

    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 30.03.2014 at 13:40

    cannot tell if serious or low-tier trolling

    the only reason you wouldnt be able to tell if i am serious or not is if you found what i posted so outrageous it couldnt be for real.

    i dont engage in low tier trolling, so yes i am serious. so please explain how this game is pay2win? and how the 1 time fee of 40$ for potentially years of entertainment is so outrageous when many people drop 60$ on a playstation game they clear in a few days and never touch again.

    A game that is advertised as free should not be pay to win. You need to pay for your general, a very important part of the game, like really? It's ridiculous

    the gen is very useful, but not essential, the game is free in that you can play it at a decent level and never have to spend a dime, nobody is putting a gun to your head to buy premium. all games that are free but have a premium aspect to them that provides advantages advertise themselves as so, its not a deception on the part of the admins. and im surprised you begrudge them this money when they dont rely on advertising and have put so much time into this game. especially you, a beta trooper.
    31.03.2014 - 06:25
    Written by Permamuted, 31.03.2014 at 06:19

    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 30.03.2014 at 20:58

    Written by Permamuted, 30.03.2014 at 14:17

    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 30.03.2014 at 13:40

    laochra stop bullying old players..
    31.03.2014 - 07:27
    Written by Khal.eesi, 31.03.2014 at 06:25

    laochra stop bullying old players..

    sorry khal
    31.03.2014 - 16:36
    Written by Permamuted, 31.03.2014 at 06:19

    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 30.03.2014 at 20:58

    Written by Permamuted, 30.03.2014 at 14:17

    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 30.03.2014 at 13:40

    cannot tell if serious or low-tier trolling

    the only reason you wouldnt be able to tell if i am serious or not is if you found what i posted so outrageous it couldnt be for real.

    i dont engage in low tier trolling, so yes i am serious. so please explain how this game is pay2win? and how the 1 time fee of 40$ for potentially years of entertainment is so outrageous when many people drop 60$ on a playstation game they clear in a few days and never touch again.

    A game that is advertised as free should not be pay to win. You need to pay for your general, a very important part of the game, like really? It's ridiculous

    the gen is very useful, but not essential, the game is free in that you can play it at a decent level and never have to spend a dime, nobody is putting a gun to your head to buy premium. all games that are free but have a premium aspect to them that provides advantages advertise themselves as so, its not a deception on the part of the admins. and im surprised you begrudge them this money when they dont rely on advertising and have put so much time into this game. especially you, a beta trooper.

    there is actually ads on the forums for non premium now.
    31.03.2014 - 17:22
    Written by Permamuted, 31.03.2014 at 06:19

    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 30.03.2014 at 20:58

    Written by Permamuted, 30.03.2014 at 14:17

    Written by VAGlNEER 2.0, 30.03.2014 at 13:40

    cannot tell if serious or low-tier trolling

    the only reason you wouldnt be able to tell if i am serious or not is if you found what i posted so outrageous it couldnt be for real.

    i dont engage in low tier trolling, so yes i am serious. so please explain how this game is pay2win? and how the 1 time fee of 40$ for potentially years of entertainment is so outrageous when many people drop 60$ on a playstation game they clear in a few days and never touch again.

    A game that is advertised as free should not be pay to win. You need to pay for your general, a very important part of the game, like really? It's ridiculous

    the gen is very useful, but not essential, the game is free in that you can play it at a decent level and never have to spend a dime, nobody is putting a gun to your head to buy premium. all games that are free but have a premium aspect to them that provides advantages advertise themselves as so, its not a deception on the part of the admins. and im surprised you begrudge them this money when they dont rely on advertising and have put so much time into this game. especially you, a beta trooper.

    A gen is almost essential for most first turn expansions (at least the ones that I use, in any case they for sure make them better) and is extremely useful for any kind of defense and offense. I don't think you're seeing my point clearly here. As of now, the premium features provide too much of an advantage. I'm not saying they don't deserve money, they should just figure out other ways of getting them (advertisements would even be fine, I don't care, as long as it doesn't affect game play). There's a reason I found aw more competitive back then, and that's because the playing field was much more level and fair.
    I was banned for your sins

    VAGlJESUS ["I love me some KFC"]
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