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Posts: 8   Visited by: 35 users
09.07.2014 - 21:06
How this should work is a bit like sending money to people, except you are sending equipment like tanks, jets etc. People would be able to get someone to pay in order for the customer to receive the equipment, so it is essentially trading. However, if you wish to do it with your allies, you would have the option of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), this would mean no one pays to receive them, except the person who produces them. The reason I think that it would be worthwhile to implement something of this nature is because it is realistic (countries do sell one another military equipment), if an ally or a friend was being attacked, you would be able to send them there as reinforcements if they cannot produce their own equipment or because they chose a rubbish country, and it would add another layer to the Alliance system. E.g, if Russia was allied to Thailand, it already takes quite a number of turns to send troops to assist, but with something like this implemented, Russia could send 20 tanks and 15 fighters to Thailand, which Thailand then takes control of, out of Russia's hands. I think it makes sense as an addition to the game.
09.07.2014 - 22:15
Realism is not a good reason for implementation in this game. This would be exploitable and very unbalanced for reasons already said on a topic already made.
09.07.2014 - 22:42
Thiers already a topic just like this. If ur ally gets into a war that he cant handle and u wont defend him then. 1 Ur a bad Ally. 2 stop playing Uns or Rps. 3 Shouldnt have started a war he couldnt handle.
If the king does not lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?

09.07.2014 - 23:07
I only just found the topic that is similar to this.
09.07.2014 - 23:57
Yea like this guy say it wouldnt be fair if your buddy joined with 50000 cash to buy you tanks.
10.07.2014 - 02:16
Black Shark
Account deleted
Maybe after 10+ turns of playing you are allowed to FTA someone who also has 10+ turns of playing.
10.07.2014 - 04:02
There are problems ...

Number one biggest problem with this is that we have different strategies imp buying cheap units for my ally who is playing more expensive but startegy with stronger units.

And that does it need to explain other issues.
11.07.2014 - 20:49
Locked. Look above.

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