15.07.2014 - 08:14
Default match rules: Game Type: Europe+ Turn duration: 4 mins Starting funds: 10k Maximum players: 2* Joining until week: 0* Victory: Capture player capital and hold for at least 2 turns* Game duration: 50 turns Rares: None Initial countries: 1* Extra cities: ✔ Allow rejoining: Off Disable uprades: Off Disable strategies: Off In case none of the players are premium, ask someone else to make it for you. Its best of 3 matches and you are not allowed twice to be the same country! No rewall or WG!!! ![]() GL HF!! First round deadline: 20/7/2014
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15.07.2014 - 08:22
No, come on no 4 min turns ...its crap im telling you. 4 min is givin germany a huge advantage ...this is not only from personal expirience but also from watching others in 1v1 not having a chance as UK against 4min all walled germany.
15.07.2014 - 08:36
3 mins please! is fair enough for most countries.
Stryko Account deleted |
15.07.2014 - 08:52 Stryko Account deleted ![]() ![]() gg
15.07.2014 - 09:21
i disagree with this, it depends how you play them. frankly i believe uk has more of an advantage. theres a simple solution to walls, theyre called wfs.
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15.07.2014 - 11:13
2 min germany is actually more advantaged over the other west countries. if youre a quick player youll take the time to wall the cities of signifcance. movement of troops is easier around germany as theres less trans maneuvres required, particularly since spain/uk/france have to deal with that brittany pass. you can opt for the italy counter if germany is their first pick but thats not always an option. i know you prefer the 2 mins setting as it suits your style of gameplay, but such a setting would be unfair in this tourney. theres some rank 7s and 8s in this tourney, remember how slow you were when you were a lower rank? gameplay speed is something thats developed as you grow more experienced. it would be a shame for the lower ranks to be knocked out simply because theyre not fast enough clickers yet.
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15.07.2014 - 11:18
I wished for 3 minutes. That brings enough balance.
15.07.2014 - 11:29
even 3 minutes will disadvantage some players on time if the game goes beyond turn 5 and turns into a battle of attrition. 4 mins is the standard so best to stick with that to avoid complaints. 3 mins is no different to 4 mins to the more experienced and sharper of us so i dont really understand the fuss. you should make a separate 2 min tourney on eu, would be fun. more tourneys the better imo.
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15.07.2014 - 11:40
Noted... but why is disadvantage of some players more important then bigger advantage of more skilled players? ...ugh nevermind, but if we are playing in round 2 we are not playing shitty 4 min turns. #missTheTimesWhen3minWasStandard
15.07.2014 - 11:52
How do you play best of 3 with only 2 countries and you can't pick them more than once?
15.07.2014 - 13:15
You have 5 countries to choose from
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15.07.2014 - 13:19
We were told uk/Germany were only picks, can we now pick France, Spain or Italy?
15.07.2014 - 13:20
Never mind i see it has changed good
15.07.2014 - 15:19
I think you wasnt there but in Tac's clan country pick selection we already Agreed this: By far, Germany > UK in 1vs1's. The reason is obvious: more country and less trans movement. As goblin say it would be paintful for a uk in 4 mins to find all germany+ scandinavia + balkans walled. However, in 2vs2 you have two countrys eating up all german's east expanction, therefore, UK > Germany. In 3vs3 you also have people eating some of uk's expanction, but uk can help western ally best that germany can. UK > germany for a bit.
15.07.2014 - 15:46
youre right about 2v2s and 3v3s but wrong about 1v1s. - uk begins with 10 more starting reins. it can eat into scandinavia turn 1 if its feeling brave. - the main money areas in the west are directly in front of it(france/benelux) providing a larger income - uks cap is more difficult to keep wallfucked. - the area around germany is poorer, and im not referring to starting income. if you succeed in keeping germany out of benelux and switz, break its full country bonus and interfere with scandinavia you have a poor german player. its really not hard to keep these areas open, if you let them get the walls up youre fucked. in duels ive succeeded in beating acquiesce eagles eagle and goblins germany(when he played 3 mins) in attrition games of > 10 turns. goblins germ where he takes full scand and italy by turn 3. these are the strongest germanys ive encountered, and i would not have had such success if germany was truly > than UK. and as you said, germany requires "less trans movement" so this supports my point that lower turn times boost germany.
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15.07.2014 - 16:03
However, is the same as germany vs ukraine. I told you by personal experience that germany is one of the best picks against ukraine, and even provided you a list about the good points germany have. BUT I talked by personal experience. So are you doing with uk vs germany. First: ► When playing against other country you also get extra reinformeds, that is the chase with uk vs germany. I would say uk get max 5 more reinf ( which get more that washed killing infs on france). ►uk cant really go scandinavia without risk his western expanding forces. Also Germany can easy overstack scandinavia in comparion to uk. ► Germany + austria + scandinavia economy is strong enough for face uk + paris + benelux one. ► uk is on sea, that is also disadvantagous for you since you are in the need of use Sea Transports. ► The area around germany is rich bro. Austria + czech = 300 or more, scandinavia also a good amount and so on. Poland nice reinformeds. Germany with all citys standing is a beast. hungary 136, croatia + slovenia = 150+. As uk I never had slowrolled against germany, on 1vs1, since I personally know they away try to overexpand. Without spain, uk soon get forced to lack of reinformeds badly, and money mean nothing if no reinformeds.
With 2-3 mins you would only wall "important citys". with 4 mins you will wall everything else, so this part of your post proved how fucked is uk against 4 min german's walls.
15.07.2014 - 16:29
im not even going to touch your comment about ukraine. you have to understand that ive considered and am aware of every single one of the points youve put forward regarding germany. to my knowlege the gameplay between the 2 is still pretty well balanced.
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15.07.2014 - 17:09
Support ![]()
15.07.2014 - 20:29
Sorry but my computer decided to stop working and won't be able to do the tourney anymore. ;_;
---- If the king does not lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow? ![]()
16.07.2014 - 06:31
What gives AS Infinity was the first to join as reserve but instead Knez who was 3rd as reserve gets subbed in?
16.07.2014 - 08:42
Don't see how he considers this fair. Why bother signing up quickly as clearly he just showed that first come, first served does not apply. He putting Infinity and myself in a harder position, as if Infinity doesn't move on to the games I don't get to participate. Same also applies for Infinity his quick sign up for reserve goes unnoticed. Everyone below Knez won't be effected.
16.07.2014 - 08:44
yea actually what i meant to say is ...Clan mate nepotism ![]()
16.07.2014 - 09:55
He asked me to apply for the tourney when there were no reserves, but he was enemy listed so I didnt put him in, so now I gave him a chance to play.....
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17.07.2014 - 01:15
Then you should have stated so in your sign-up thread. Even though there is no way to prove what you said is true or false Infinity should still be give the spot as he is the first to sign-up in the official sign-up thread.
17.07.2014 - 02:50
I just cant find bertanK online when im online...
---- Deutsch überwältigt ![]()
17.07.2014 - 05:02
Just PM him to set up a time for both of you to come on. ![]()
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation? ![]()
Are you sure?