13.11.2012 - 14:57
Ok so i joined a ww of a person i may not call by name because otherwise this thread will get closed and i picked serbia. Later on that person picked ukraine and romania, to which i picked poland. Next thing i know i'm getting kicked by that person, and when i want to join again the rejoining possibility isn't there so i can't rejoin. This way that person kicked every player that's close to him or who is too good for him, making it certain that he wins this WW, so he can just pick out the players that fit his ww to win it. I reported this as SP farming, but the mods say it's legit. What do u guys think about this? ![]()
---- ![]() [pr] Commando Eagle: duel? [pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush ![]() ![]()
Remembrance Account deleted |
13.11.2012 - 15:04 Remembrance Account deleted
Happens everywhere where certain hosts are scared to play against better players and they kick them out. Wouldn't really call this farming but I can see where you are going with this and it is a lame thing to do. Only suggestion/advise I can give you, is to make a "WW" yourself or get a friend to do one if your too lazy. These people who do this are very lame and greedy for sp. Add them to your enemy list and get them back (late join them and/or make your own game and not to kick them out, let them choose near you and you kill them because DBACKS STRONG). ![]()
13.11.2012 - 15:05 ![]() 18) "Farming" is not allowed in any way welcome to AtWar, where some moderators gives warnings for banalities and pretend to be blind with bad attitude of some players
---- >.>
13.11.2012 - 15:23
Welcome ![]() OT: If you create your own game, you are allowed to kick players out of your game. However, if its something thats been abused much, we should think of a change. For example: Players cannot be kicked once selected a country (or: maybe only be kicked by vote). Post it at the ideas thread, complaining that mods didn't do something about it won't solve the problem.
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
13.11.2012 - 15:31
My problem with this is that the mods (Vril in this case) are saying he is allowed to do this since he is host. They are saying that host can do whatever he wants, even if it disrupts others from enjoying the game. It is bullshit that they would allow anyone to kick someone from their games for such a stupid reason as picking near them. I would bet that if say tesla or avatar were to kick a mod who picked near them in a world game they would get a ban or at least some sort of warning.
13.11.2012 - 15:38
5/5 ![]()
---- .10. atWar Radio<3 play for fun, just for fun.
13.11.2012 - 16:01
I personally think that game design trumps rules. In this case I think that either avatar, tesla or whoever created the game DBacks was kicked out, should be able to kick whoever they want from their game. If we punish players who do this, then we should also punish players who latejoin as well, since it's the "abuse" of a certain game mechanic.
13.11.2012 - 16:26
A latejoin itself is using a function, abusing it would be latejoining to troll someone, or latejoining repeatedly (Unless the game was made with this in mind). Abusing a function is all about context, which is where the mods come in to make the decisions. I believe that kicking people for arbitrary reasons to be abusing a function, and should be punished in some way.
AlexMeza Account deleted |
13.11.2012 - 16:27 AlexMeza Account deleted
I don't think it's "farming", anyway just look for another game. You can pick somewhere else too.
13.11.2012 - 16:46
That is basically saying that kicking people for ridiculous reasons is justified. What happens if other people start doing this as well? Soon enough people won't even join world games since the host will have an advantage every game. This is not a solution. It is like telling a kid being bullied to just avoid the bully at all times, it does not solve the problem it just allows the person of authority to avoid dealing with it.
13.11.2012 - 17:10
This is absurd. its not farming method anyway host mauzer lose this game i won with my ally ![]() its not ok to blame mauzer for sp farming because he kick you. he got only 500sp from that game he rank 10 he play a lot of games here 24/7 evry week mauzer is sp machine ![]() thanks god MrsPuzzles is not mod he will be worst then vril if he punish players who host games because kicking players who are in their enemy list. ~vril punished me for change time in game for 2 turns only i got 2000sp from that game he remove for me 4500sp. kick players is legit host right mauzer paid money for that xaxaxx.
---- ![]()
13.11.2012 - 17:12
ww2 game >host rank 4 > kicks everyone higher than him on allies side > gets away with it. bullshit.
13.11.2012 - 17:15
host rank 4 have right to kick all higher ranks from his game ,let the kids have fun he whant to win game how he will win if he fight again 2 or more high ranks????? i dont see problem with kicking players he is just beginer he dont know how to make game with rank limit 4
---- ![]()
13.11.2012 - 17:18
i will post a suggestion: not able to join in the main section until rank 5
13.11.2012 - 17:39
I am not saying that he was sp farming (although I do believe that he was doing it because it made it easier to win) nor am I arguing that kicking players is a bad thing. If he has a personal problem with some of these players then kicking them from his game is fine by me, but he kicked them after they picked a country, not before, indicating that he was fine with them playing until they picked a country near him. What i am saying is that kicking somone from a game for such a stupid reason like picking a country near them is wrong and should be punished.
13.11.2012 - 18:26
---- "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." -Voltaire I AM A GENIUS BECAUSE GOD SPEAKS TO ME - BRAHMS
13.11.2012 - 18:40
And do we need a mod to overlook every single kick to make sure it's legit? Do you know how many times I've kicked potlimitomaha or any other enemies from my games after they've picked? There's no way to decide what a legitimate kick is, and what an unfair one is. It's the host's game. Make your own, and if the host sucks, then steal all his players. His actions will catch up to him. I quote avatar on this "Let the kids have their fun." Also with Busaum- "STOP B*TCHING"
---- "If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics." -The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
13.11.2012 - 20:55
PM made by politomaha send to Hazardouz 1)What did i ever do to you? 2)Are you the devil? And, 3) Are you a Mathdino puppet account? My guesses-1) NOTHING. 2) YES. 3) YES. Did i get it right. ------------------------------------------------------------------- the guy thinks that i am your puppet account just because i did not ally him.
13.11.2012 - 21:03
---- The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
13.11.2012 - 21:05
Legit. Well, I'm an alt of Spart, who is an alt of hdrakon, who, according to TopHats, is an alt of him. So you're TopHats now.
---- "If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics." -The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
13.11.2012 - 21:50
It should be looked into for people who are notorious for doing it, like mauzer is. Although you do have a point that the mods would quickly be overwhelmed if they needed to investigate all the cases of this happening. The problem with your last point is that the majority of the players in his games do not even realize he is doing this, and stealing players from another game is generally random so it cannot be counted on. I suppose I just consider it poor sportsmanship and that it shouldn't be accepted.
13.11.2012 - 23:33
>2012 >Kicking high ranks because you are scared. If you don't want to play with high ranks buy your premium features and put your crappy rank limit on, otherwise don't be a gigantic p*ssy. Also, I think it's acceptable to kick those that ruin games.
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TJM !!!
14.11.2012 - 00:10
YOU CAN'T INTO POWERS OF LILD! U MAD? No but seriously doesn't anyone look at unit stats? ANYONE can buy the LilD unit and the unit is specifically made for this map because lack of money. The east is richer than the western side and to even that out I made people use their brains with the "LilD" unit. And besides it's not like the unit is invincible. I modded the invincibility part out a long time ago. It was a cheap way to mod out the poorer and less unit stacked west vs the east. I also put in a rare unit unique to only the west side. So the next time you open a game. So please the next time you play a game view the unit stats.
---- Lil D has now become Deray of YGMG Here!
DK- Account deleted |
14.11.2012 - 00:14 DK- Account deleted
That is a new word you learnt. I see the English lessons are coming useful.
Oh no. My bad.
Anyway back to topic. Avatar, always stuck in right there to accuse or provoke someone, aren't you? If you know MrsPuzzles, he is actually a great friend who likes to help the community get into the right direction and so voices his opinion as you do. No one comes into the forums every morning or evening looking at your posts and say - " Thank* God*, Avatar is not a mod. He will be much worse than* Vril if he punished players who host games if they kick players " You don't seem to understand anything MrsP wrote. Its his opinion and let him write it. Whats it to you? You would only care if you did it yourself. Right? I agree 98% with MrsP. Game hosts that kick out players close to them (such as higher ranked players) are very lame. They have no excuse to do it and are ruining the meaning of a game. But why do you care? They won't learn anything by playing noobs. They won't learn shit by playing ranks lower than them. So its just bad for them at the end of the day. And for those that are kicked out like Alex said play another World Game or whatever. Add the host to your enemy list and move on. I think we've already established these kind of people as trolls or losers in a sense so just move on to another game or make your own.
Shouldn't really be punished mate. Its a game, not a life or death situation. Its his/her game and (s)he could do whatever (s)he wants. If the hosts wants to kick out players then so be it. Doesn't mean that person needs to be banned. A ban is a more serious punishment that could be avoided for this kind of situation. I request what Hugo did and put a change to the settings or system that allows players not to kick those that have already picked a country. If they haven't picked a country they can be kicked because the host has a reason (they are afk or whatever).
DK- Account deleted |
14.11.2012 - 00:24 DK- Account deleted
lololol yea I was just fed up with avatar i guess ![]() ![]()
14.11.2012 - 01:56
Not mad, bro... Just that nobody will play your map knowing that there's an OP unit lying around. God knows how it got onto featured... but hey the level of map making is generally bad in Alpha atm. Besides reinforcement imbalance can be solved by more players competing in the area with more money (the East in your map) rather than sulking that the East always wins... But NO, your badass unit Lild makes choosing the East even more OP. Rant Over!
AlexMeza Account deleted |
14.11.2012 - 06:04 AlexMeza Account deleted
It's not a big deal. It's noobish but allowed I think. "18) "Farming" is not allowed in any way, fe: Joining a game with 2 accounts, playing with first and second coalitions, playing or creating a scenario for gaining SP only."
14.11.2012 - 07:43
Wow, this is really a long thread to much reading ![]() Well, i think its on somehow it should only be allowed to kick someone from a game if they run out of time in that time thing. Just my thoughts :-)
---- We are not the same - I am a Martian. Once Martian - Always Martian.
14.11.2012 - 09:32
It takes alot of money to up keep the unit. And due to the unit difference you save more money while playing the west. Thus = more money to build LilD's.
---- Lil D has now become Deray of YGMG Here!
Are you sure?