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Posted by Aetius, 13.06.2019 - 15:39
text dump of previous phase:

=Turn 21 Combat Phase 3/3=

This turn will last until combat is resolved

Current Wars (2/3):

Numantine War
COMMANDER: Marcus Porcius Cato Minor
Legio V Hispana
Legio VII Germanica
Legio VIII Mortis
Legio XVI Maria
6 Legions
2 Fleets

  • Celtiberians have 8 armies, and Rome needs 2 fleets to support their armies in this campaign
  • Disaster Roll 14, Lesser Disaster 11,18
  • For every turn this war is not resolved -20 talents, and if ignored +1 unrest
  • Will invade Nearer Spain if not defeated or stalemated, gaining 1 allied army

    Tertius Fabius Magnus becomes Consul for Life!

    The Mithridatic War Games
    1 Gladiatorial Game is being Held

    *A game is being held in honor Sulla and Tertius Magnus. Rome is rather new to games such as this, many amateurs arrive from various up and coming ludus to fight as either romans or "greeks" although if the "greeks" start winning they are told to start surrendering and losing

    Prize Fights
    House Batiatius (Auctoritas)
    Virginius ''the repulsive Hispanic'' Piso
    Domius ''The savage Combrian'' Geltsringer
    Hasdrubal ''The Salty'' Barca
    Pausanias & Memnon ''Dioscuri''

    House Hypsaeus (Populares)

    Romulus defeats Domius, gaining +1 skill
    Romulus kills Hasdrubal
    Virginius defeats Brennus +1 skill
  • 13.07.2019 - 06:47
    1)Sextus Sulpicius and Aulus Aelius (Auctoritas+Concinnatores)

    2)Drusus Claudius Minor (Concinnatores)

    2)Argentus Cassius Africanus (Libertatem)

    1) Aye

    2)Further Spain loser

    1) Marcellus Popillius (Libertatem) (unless zeph votes 2, then 2)


    2) Gaius Sempronius Gracchus (Concinnatores)

    1) Argentus Cassius Africanus (Libertatem)

    1)Publius Cornelius Scipio Minor (Auctoritas)

    1)Gaius Sempronius Gracchus (Concinnatores)


    3) Plan Tribus

    1) Guilty

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    13.07.2019 - 08:47
    Consul Vote
    1)Sextus Sulpicius and Aulus Aelius (Auctoritas+Concinnatores)

    Censor Vote
    2)1)Lucius Aemilius Paullus(Auctoritas)

    Praetor Vote
    2)Argentus Cassius Africanus (Libertatem)

    Strip Marcus Junius(Optimates) of his office? Requires 2/3 to pass
    2) Nay

    Governor of Sicily)
    vote as optimates///Publius Porcius

    Governor of Further Spain
    vote as optimates///Popilius

    Governor of Cisalpine Gaul
    vote as optimates///Loser of Preator

    Tax farmer 1
    2) Gaius Sempronius Gracchus (Concinnatores)

    Tax Farmer 3

    1)Publius Cornelius Scipio Minor (Auctoritas) (bribe in pm)

    Land Commissioner
    1)Gaius Sempronius Gracchus (Concinnatores)

    Plan Duo

    Trial of Tiberius Servilius
    1) Guilty
    13.07.2019 - 08:48
    Governor of Cisalpine Gaul
    1) Publius Acilius (Optimates)
    2) Loser Praetor
    3) Nay

    VETO by Pontifex Maximus Marcus Junius
    13.07.2019 - 17:17
    Vote like zephy.
    14.07.2019 - 16:12
    ==Turn 10: Phase 3 has begun==
    15.07.2019 - 08:53

    Surrender of the Pirates
    Upon learning that Rome had sent not only a great host but also under the command of the legendary Africanus, the Pirate lords, rather than trying to make a futile resistance, approach his vessel under a white flag and surrender to Cassius.

    It was a poorly kept secret that the senators and equites of Rome actually benefited from these pirates, who purchased many of their slaves from them to work on their plantations. Many of them accompanying Africanus advise him to make a symbolic example of some the most dreadful pirates and have the rest quietly return to business as usual, in return they and the pirates will donate to Rome 25 talents. Others, mainly the lower and middle class soldiers clamor for the pirates to be ruined and their lands seized for the glory of Rome. Cilicia and the islands is however a rather poor and unmanageable land and some senators question if we need yet another province.

    Africanus chooses to take the 25 talents in war spoils or 10 and CILICIA

    Argentus Cassius Africanus (Balanced)
    (5 Legions +4 veterans+ 3 command)=21 strength
    Pirates (Direct Charge)
    3 armies =3 strength
    Battle Roll: 16+18=34
    Result: Crushing Victory

    Roman Casualties

    Pirate Casualties
    Argentus Cassius Africanus gains 1 influence and 1 popularity
    Argentus Cassius Africanus gains a Veteran Legion, Legio XII
    Romans love victory, -1 Unrest
    (see choice for war spoils/land gain)

    Sicyon Campaign

    Philip had been frustrating the romans with his extremely active feints, fortifications of passes, delaying sieges and general trickery. Into this comes the Archon Phylax of Aetolia, who suggests rather than trying to make war upon macedon, instead attack the peloponesse. This is a rather dubious endeavor, and it becomes evident that it is motivated more by aetolian rivalry with the Achaeans than anything else but Paullus eventually agrees out of exasperation and appeasement of his allies. The plan to take Sicyon by amphibious landing was daring and required secrecy and luck, both of which were lost.

    First a squall hit the fleet crossing the Gulf of Corinth scattering the roman-aetolian forces across the north coast of Achaea. Then, rather than assembling in a central location to continue the attack the aetolians began looting villages in the vicinity like the pirates they were regarded to be by their fellow Hellenes. The smoke from these "activities" drew the attention of the Achaeans who rapidly mobilized a force of Cretan archers and heavy cavalry and made a devastating attack upon the aetolian vanguard who fled to their ships. Legio Classicus moved to reinforce but were outnumbered and in the sand on the beach getting shot by deadly volleys fell in mass. The allied fleet set sail back to Corcyra, a complete failure.

    Lucius Aemilius Paullus (Flanking)
    (1 Legions +7 Veterans+2 Aetolians+5 command)=22 strength
    Philip V (Balanced)
    10 Armies + 6 command =16 strength
    Battle Roll: 14
    Result: Lesser Disaster

    Roman Casualties
    Legio IX Classicus
    2 Aetolian Armies

    Macedonian Casualties

    Lucius Aemilius Paullus loses 2 popularity for losing 3 armies
    Legio IX Classicus is reformed
    15.07.2019 - 09:00
    Argentus Cassius Africanus accept the pirates offer, they can live in peace... for now. take 25 talents as spoils and sign a peace treaty with the pirates.
    Legio XII Africanus will lead rome into more victories URAAAAAAAAAA

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    15.07.2019 - 14:06
    ==Turn 11: Phase 1 has begun==
    15.07.2019 - 14:11
    Host those 18 talent games, in honour of Lucius Flaminius.
    15.07.2019 - 14:33
    selling all equites
    Rise aux in spain
    bank everything
    Argentus Cassius Africanus will do a persuasion attemp on Manlius, else on Terentius

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    15.07.2019 - 14:35
    Agree with Acilius dictatorship on condition that:
    -he uses the deployments i make with him
    -he adds a consulticket of Paullus/one of zephs guys

    Play Scipio card.
    3 on equite for Scipio
    rest to bank

    Propose 2 landbills: Scipio/Aelius tier 3 bill
    Paullus/Junius tier 2 bill.
    (only accept the bills if necessary)
    15.07.2019 - 14:37
    Written by The_Empirezz, 15.07.2019 at 14:35

    Agree with Acilius dictatorship on condition that:
    -he uses the deployments i make with him
    -he adds a consulticket of Paullus/one of zephs guys

    Play Scipio card.
    3 on equite for Scipio

    Propose 2 landbills: Scipio/Aelius tier 3 bill
    Paullus/Junius tier 2 bill.
    (only accept the bills if necessary)

    done deal
    15.07.2019 - 14:37
    Play Fulvius card.
    4 on equite on Fulvius.
    Put the rest to the bank.
    Raise 2 aux in Narbo.Gauls.

    15.07.2019 - 14:42
    Acilius is the leader of my faction (for now), Publius Porkius is a priest
    15.07.2019 - 14:58
    3 on equite
    15.07.2019 - 15:35
    Persuasion on Proclus Manilius use money if needed
    15.07.2019 - 16:25
    5 on Equite for Gaius, persuade Terentius with Aelius
    Someone Better Than You
    16.07.2019 - 08:44
    ==Turn 11: Phase 2 has begun==
    16.07.2019 - 08:49
    Consul: 3
    Censor: 2
    Praetor: 1
    Aedile: 1
    Nearer Spain: 1
    Sicily: 1
    Land Bill: 1
    Someone Better Than You
    16.07.2019 - 08:53
    Consul Vote
    3. Lucius Aemilius Paullus and Drusus Claudius Minor (Auctoritas + Concinnatores)

    Censor Vote
    1. Sextus Sulpicus (Auctoritas)

    Praetor Vote
    2. Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus (Auctoritas)

    1. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (Concinnatores)

    Governor of Nearer Spain
    vote as optimates

    Replace the Governor of Sicily with Argentus Cassius Africanus? (if recalled Auctoritas will gain +2 votes elsewhere)
    2) Nay - (bribed)

    Scipioan land Bill (Tier III)
    Effects: costs -10 Talents/turn, Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus (Auctoritas) gains +4 popularity, co-sponsor: Aulus Aelius (Concinnatores) +2 popularity, Rome will lose -3 unrest
    16.07.2019 - 08:59
    Consul Vote
    1. Gaius Sempronius Gracchus and Decimus Flaminius Pisentius (Concinnatores + Optimates)

    Censor Vote
    1. Sextus Sulpicus (Auctoritas)

    Praetor Vote
    2. Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus (Auctoritas)

    1. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (Concinnatores)

    Governor of Nearer Spain

    Replace the Governor of Sicily with Argentus Cassius Africanus? (if recalled Auctoritas will gain +2 votes elsewhere)
    2) Nay

    Scipioan land Bill (Tier III)
    Effects: costs -10 Talents/turn, Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus (Auctoritas) gains +4 popularity, co-sponsor: Aulus Aelius (Concinnatores) +2 popularity, Rome will lose -3 unrest
    1)Aye (abstain counts as aye)
    16.07.2019 - 08:59
    Consul Vote
    3. Nay

    Censor Vote
    3. Nay

    Praetor Vote
    3. Nay

    1. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (Concinnatores)

    Governor of Nearer Spain
    2. Proclus Manlius (Optimates)

    Replace the Governor of Sicily with Argentus Cassius Africanus? (if recalled Auctoritas will gain +2 votes elsewhere)
    1. Aye

    Scipioan land Bill (Tier III)
    2)Nay (all nay voters lose -2 popularity if nay wins)

    funeral of rome guys
    vote nay

    >playing atwar:

    Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
    16.07.2019 - 09:54
    Vote same as Optimates as part of our honordeal.

    16.07.2019 - 11:57
    Vote like zephy
    16.07.2019 - 13:48
    ==Turn 11: Phase 3 has begun==
    16.07.2019 - 15:19
    Honordeal for saving our Republic!

    Auctoritas get dictatorship and donate 25 shekels.
    Commercium get consulship + censorship next turn and donate 25 shekels, also get nominated for concession.
    Populares get praetorship + guaranteed concession(excluding land commissioner) and donate 15 shekels.

    16.07.2019 - 15:21
    Written by Oleg, 16.07.2019 at 15:19

    Honordeal for saving our Republic!

    Auctoritas get dictatorship and donate 25 shekels.
    Commercium get consulship + censorship next turn and donate 25 shekels, also get nominated for concession.
    Populares get praetorship + guaranteed concession(excluding land commissioner) and donate 15 shekels.

    16.07.2019 - 21:22

    Battle of Massilia

    Publius Acilius (Direct Charge)
    (6 massilians +3 Legions+ 4 veterans+6 command)=23 strength
    Teutobod (Balanced)
    18 armies =18 strength
    Battle Roll: 14+5=19
    Result: Decisive Victory

    Acilius, seemingly unfazed by the enemy exhorted his men to form up and engage them and to not retreat, to smash their center.
    Falling upon them without mercy, they cast their pila (the Roman throwing spears) to good effect at the charging the germanics were caught unready still performing their heathen rituals. The legionaries then drew their swords and advanced downhill in formation. Nearly all of the attacking Ambrones were killed. Losses on the Roman side were very low.
    Many of the barbarians were more eager to safeguard their significant plunder many instead quit the field. Their invasion failed, but not completely beaten, for the Germanics are a numerous and warlike race and tales of the wealth to the south will attract more in time perhaps...

    Roman Casualties

    Germanic Casualties

    Publius Acilius 8 influence and 8 popularity for his victory
    Lucius Aemilius Paullus gains a Veteran Legion, Legio VII Germanica
    Germanic War becomes an inactive war

    Battle of Morgantia

    Servius Quinctius Trogus
    (2 provincial legions + 4 auxila + 1 legion +3 command)=10 strength
    7 armies =7 strength
    Battle Roll: 12+3=15
    Result: Disaster

    Having defeated the landholders in one victory, Salvius (Tryphon) turned to besiege the city of Morgantia, which drew Trogus towards his position with a large force through the forested central mountains. The slaves ingenuously drove a herd of cattle down the path into the roman army and after being disorganized attacked with fury born from a lifetime of terrible oppression.

    The slave army had also grown far...far larger than estimates tens of thousands slammed against their lines and cut down the entire roman army leaving none alive. After this disaster roman authority collapses and the slaves now rampage across the land killing masters and becoming an army of utter anarchy. They also seize the sicilian fleet which will soon become a base of more piracy...

    Roman Casualties

    Slave Casualties

    Servius Quinctius Trogus is killed
    Sicily is lost and looted to being undeveloped
    Slaves gain 2 armies + the 2 remaining aux who add 1 more army + the 5 auxilliary fleets
    +1 unrest

    Battle of Contosolia

    The roman army confronts the invading Lusitani on the border near Contosolia. There a ferocious melee begins, between largely roman allied tribes and the lusitanians. Popillus shouts orders but does not contribute much. The strength of roman forces in open field battles leads them eventually to victory by discipline, if anything else. The cheiftan of the foe, Punicius is slain causing the rest to rout.
    A brave warrior leads a fighting retreat preventing more losses, he is named Viriathus and he will probably not amount to much...

    Marcus Popillius (Flanking)
    (2 provincial legions + 1 auxila + 1 legion + 2 veterans + 1 command)=9 strength
    Punicius (Flanking)
    6 armies =6 strength
    Battle Roll: 12+3=15
    Result: Victory

    Roman Casualties
    1 auxilia,1 legion,Legio VIII Augusta

    Lusitani Casualties

    Marcus Popillius gains 3 influence and 2 popularity
    Lusitani War becomes inactive

    Troad Campaign
    The campaign against Pergamon ends up being little more than raids across the hellespont. It seems the Macedonian-thracian forces are content enough with keeping the romans occupied in Asia.

    Sextus Sulpicius (Direct Charge)
    (11 Pergamene Armies + 2 Legions +5 veterans+ 3 command)=26 strength
    Seuthes (Balanced)
    16 Armies +6 command =22 strength
    Battle Roll: 9+4=13
    Result: Stalemate

    Roman Casualties

    Thracian Casualties

    Sextus Sulpicius gains a veteran Legion, Legio XIII Vulpus
    17.07.2019 - 05:09
    Written by Oleg, 16.07.2019 at 15:19

    Honordeal for saving our Republic!

    Auctoritas (Scipio) gets dictatorship now, Auctoritas donates 25 shekels now
    Commercium get a de jure consulship with no input, (de facto auctoritas consulship, who makes all proposals) + censorship with no prosecution power (unless both concinnatores and auctoritas agree) the next turn and donate 25 shekels now, also get nominated for concession.
    Populares get praetorship + guaranteed concession(excluding land commissioner) and donate 15 shekels now.

    - Edited as to per how it was discussed on discord, to these terms I have written here, I agree.
    17.07.2019 - 05:24
    Written by The_Empirezz, 17.07.2019 at 05:09

    Written by Oleg, 16.07.2019 at 15:19

    Honordeal for saving our Republic!

    Auctoritas (Scipio) gets dictatorship now, Auctoritas donates 25 shekels now
    Commercium get a de jure consulship with no input, (de facto auctoritas consulship, who makes all proposals) + censorship with no prosecution power (unless both concinnatores and auctoritas agree) the next turn and donate 25 shekels now, also get nominated for concession.
    Populares get praetorship + guaranteed concession(excluding land commissioner) and donate 15 shekels now.

    - Edited as to per how it was discussed on discord, to these terms I have written here, I agree.



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