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Posted by Mr_Own_U, 23.04.2015 - 19:15
There clan, not so much. This isn't a cry thread, but more of a warning. As you know Godofwar made a topic about DCes and what not.. Well in a cw today against cosa, Troll dced turn 2 and they refused to tie.. The kicker is that me and gonzo said we will not move our troops so no 'fishy' business goes on. But they continue to ignore and troll.

So, I mean not all cosa guys are bad, and I respect what they have done winning so many cws, and imo become the best fast. But despite a few bad apples I mean, it could really hurt your reputation.

A loss is a loss, whats done is done, but just a warning.
24.04.2015 - 01:38
Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:35

Written by AlBoZzZ, 24.04.2015 at 01:33

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:31

Written by AlBoZzZ, 24.04.2015 at 01:29

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:27

Written by AlBoZzZ, 24.04.2015 at 01:26

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:20

Written by Sun Tsu, 24.04.2015 at 01:18

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:10

Written by Sun Tsu, 24.04.2015 at 01:07

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:00

He only had a first turn expansion..

If that was first turn expansion, please can you explain how Dublin was empty and units in UK?

I meant 2nd. Stop trying to cower yourself away from the problem. Thought you were a man sun

If I was cowering away I wouldn't be here now. But you gotta admit MOU he would never of held Paris, no way could he get enough units to defend. Troll disconnected on turn 3 and not turn 2. Just be clear with facts if you are going to make forum posts like this. cheers

He had 0 units on paris when you capped him. You really think 27 PD inf and a gen will beat 30+ GW militia and gen?

Troll's exact words when he connected were "I sent 15 inf and gen in paris"

GG liar

Oh where is the screenshot? Unlike you I have proof of what he is capable of doing.. Come on commando suka, thought you were a little smarter then that.. Gave you a little too much credit.

Dude you were bitching at cosa nostra while crying like a bitch about no tie with facts that expose you as the worst liar ever... You talking to me about being smart? lol

AHAHA commando why are you going off topic? We're talking about your lie you just said about 15 inf now you want to change the topic about me bitching? Haha suka.

Yes i said he said he sent 15 inf and 1 gen in paris but i have no SS of it, but everyone who was spectating that cw can vouch for me. Just because i dont have a SS doesnt mean im lying. Unlike you who uploads a SS which exposes you as lier lol

Where did I lie? I admitted I was wrong cause it obviously wasnt t1 expansion? Keep digging a bigger hole for yourself kid

Oh after screaming and crying for a hole day about that cw, now you say you were happy youre actually replying this because everyone who will read this will laugh so much at your stupidity and lies lol

24.04.2015 - 01:41
Written by AlBoZzZ, 24.04.2015 at 01:38

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:35

Written by AlBoZzZ, 24.04.2015 at 01:33

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:31

Written by AlBoZzZ, 24.04.2015 at 01:29

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:27

Written by AlBoZzZ, 24.04.2015 at 01:26

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:20

Written by Sun Tsu, 24.04.2015 at 01:18

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:10

Written by Sun Tsu, 24.04.2015 at 01:07

Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:00

He only had a first turn expansion..

If that was first turn expansion, please can you explain how Dublin was empty and units in UK?

I meant 2nd. Stop trying to cower yourself away from the problem. Thought you were a man sun

If I was cowering away I wouldn't be here now. But you gotta admit MOU he would never of held Paris, no way could he get enough units to defend. Troll disconnected on turn 3 and not turn 2. Just be clear with facts if you are going to make forum posts like this. cheers

He had 0 units on paris when you capped him. You really think 27 PD inf and a gen will beat 30+ GW militia and gen?

Troll's exact words when he connected were "I sent 15 inf and gen in paris"

GG liar

Oh where is the screenshot? Unlike you I have proof of what he is capable of doing.. Come on commando suka, thought you were a little smarter then that.. Gave you a little too much credit.

Dude you were bitching at cosa nostra while crying like a bitch about no tie with facts that expose you as the worst liar ever... You talking to me about being smart? lol

AHAHA commando why are you going off topic? We're talking about your lie you just said about 15 inf now you want to change the topic about me bitching? Haha suka.

Yes i said he said he sent 15 inf and 1 gen in paris but i have no SS of it, but everyone who was spectating that cw can vouch for me. Just because i dont have a SS doesnt mean im lying. Unlike you who uploads a SS which exposes you as lier lol

Where did I lie? I admitted I was wrong cause it obviously wasnt t1 expansion? Keep digging a bigger hole for yourself kid

Oh after screaming and crying for a hole day about that cw, now you say you were happy youre actually replying this because everyone who will read this will laugh so much at your stupidity and lies lol

Don't see anyone laughing? I only see many people supporting me. kiddo
It's not the end.

24.04.2015 - 01:57
I blame panteri
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
24.04.2015 - 02:10
Written by Mr_Own_U, 24.04.2015 at 01:00

Cosa, we see the true colors. I see you need pity wins, go ahead and take them

And as for "we lost look at the SS" lol yeah thats after me and gonzo didnt move for a turn after Troll was gone Turn 2, Turn 2! He only had a first turn expansion..

These consequences can not be averted.

With this your own comment, all your story falls in water. Lie is obvious.

Only truth is you cannot deal someone didnt accept the tie. If I were there, I would probably tie, but Ferr has his own conditions of setting game tie, same as you have.
U know u blamed CN for many things, most of them without a real reason like in this thread, why would he accept your tie than?
Tie is not just a solution, it has to be deserved, but there are 5 guys who just shit on Cosa. Their lunch got overcooked - blame Cosa....
Bro, it cannot be deserved in that way and if you want to prove something, dont prove it wrong way because you are jumping in your own hole.

24.04.2015 - 04:41
Btw Ferr wasnt even there.....
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
24.04.2015 - 06:17
RaYan S.K
Account deleted
Ok if I was playing in cosa I willn't tie because the troll dc , hear this

2 week ago i duel the troll and when i dc he end his turn and i ask for tie and he say no + he had no chance to won the duel

pls stop talk about rep and sorry for bad grammer
24.04.2015 - 06:17
Account deleted
Opi was.Second:Commando stop spamming.
This is started to be flamewar,i dont want to be in this and get ban on forum cause mods only ban and mute.

Lol,why you are telling something that is only 1 player's fault,its not all clan's fault,did you think that he turned all chats off like i do when i play duel against someone strong?no,just came to make problems to evol cause you lost 12elo.
24.04.2015 - 06:40
Yea farm us pls xD
poor them they win so rarely they ss all those rare moments hUe xD
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
24.04.2015 - 07:11
Account deleted
Lol,ferr you dont have a word to tell,i think that you are poorest guy by real reputation on this game,0 reputation.
24.04.2015 - 07:18
Can u ss it ? xD
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
24.04.2015 - 08:02
Written by Kromn, 24.04.2015 at 07:11

Lol,ferr you dont have a word to tell,i think that you are poorest guy by real reputation on this game,0 reputation.

Ko o cemu, kurva o postenju... kako bi narod rekao

24.04.2015 - 08:15
Written by Kromn, 24.04.2015 at 08:10

HAhahahah kroate,nemas ni ti reci da kazes cim si u tom klanu na zalost,vidim i tvoji te podrzavaju,pogotovo klevis,jos ti je reko da si rodjen idiot i da ces da tako umres ali ti jos branis svoj klan,taman je upravu bio

koga ti branis vamo? Nema veze s tobom, a glavni si kolovoda..Licis komplekse, na kurac te nabijem, idi vjezbaj kako ostat u jednom klanu duze od 10 dana

24.04.2015 - 08:16
Written by AlBoZzZ, 24.04.2015 at 01:38

Oh after screaming and crying for a hole day about that cw, now you say you were happy youre actually replying this because everyone who will read this will laugh so much at your stupidity and lies lol


Man before mods actually lock this... let me thanks you for giving the most funniest discussion I've ever read!!!
24.04.2015 - 08:48
Last CW i had with Cosa:
- i disconnect and my moves don't go trough, desu disconnects for 2 turns
- zero fucks given because ferr disconnected at the same turn i did
- my argument that me dc'ing was crushing for me because it was reinforcements turn i would have had taken several countries fucks given
- me raging probably didn't help
- hypocrisy because they cried about illyria not giving them a draw ..."seconds" before our CW started

Last duel i had with a Cosa member:
- turn before the reinforcements my opponents fails and says GG
- i ask him does it mean he surrendered
- responds with "yes, you can end turn"
- i end turn, he didn't surrender but continues playing ...i continue playing aswell, but my moves don't go trough because i couldn't save them do to him ending turn 20 seconds before timer runs out
- because of that the tide of the game turns since it was reinforcements turn and he has taken back several countries so now instead of me attacking i'm on defense
- he lies continuously that it was turn 2 and that i didn't end turn
- he mocks me at the end when i finally call him out for this bullshit

Never respected that clan to begin with, why would i ...respect has to be earned. They earned my resent tho, and i mostly see them as arrogant. hard feelings tho.
24.04.2015 - 08:50
Written by Goblin, 24.04.2015 at 08:48

Last CW i had with Cosa:
- i disconnect and my moves don't go trough, desu disconnects for 2 turns
- zero fucks given because ferr disconnected at the same turn i did
- my argument that me dc'ing was crushing for me because it was reinforcements turn i would have had taken several countries fucks given
- me raging probably didn't help
- hypocrisy because they cried about illyria not giving them a draw ..."seconds" before our CW started

Last duel i had with a Cosa member:
- turn before the reinforcements my opponents fails and says GG
- i ask him does it mean he surrendered
- responds with "yes, you can end turn"
- i end turn, he didn't surrender but continues playing ...i continue playing aswell, but my moves don't go trough because i couldn't save them do to him ending turn 20 seconds before timer runs out
- because of that the tide of the game turns since it was reinforcements turn and he has taken back several countries so now instead of me attacking i'm on defense
- he lies continuously that it was turn 2 and that i didn't end turn
- he mocks me at the end when i finally call him out for this bullshit

Never respected that clan to begin with, why would i ...respect has to be earned. They earned my resent tho, and i mostly see them as arrogant.

I have seen that so many times. They say end turn im leaving, but they never leave. It's just low.
Happened in a duel with eagles I think. If im spectating, I will always tell them not to end turn.

I'm the nice guy.
24.04.2015 - 09:20
Try practising more so u can actualy win some games insteed hating all the time better players then u ,cw room is like begginers room for us these days GgnOrE
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
24.04.2015 - 09:43
Written by Kromn, 24.04.2015 at 09:23

Written by Ferlucci1389, 24.04.2015 at 09:20

Try practising more so u can actualy win some games insteed hating all the time better players then u ,cw room is like begginers room for us these days GgnOrE

we actualy winning you when we dont have dc problems,second,stop being arrogant.

You won 2 cw's and got wings bigger that 2 grey eagles

24.04.2015 - 09:47
Written by Kromn, 24.04.2015 at 09:23

Written by Ferlucci1389, 24.04.2015 at 09:20

Try practising more so u can actualy win some games insteed hating all the time better players then u ,cw room is like begginers room for us these days GgnOrE

we actualy winning you when we dont have dc problems,second,stop being arrogant.

The irony is real

24.04.2015 - 09:57
Written by Kromn, 24.04.2015 at 09:52

Written by Croat, 24.04.2015 at 09:43

You won 2 cw's and got wings bigger that 2 grey eagles

I see that you dont know to calculate,i will help you,we won 4 cws of 7.

Since you think you know to calculate, I will help you... This season we won: 10 of 15 clan wars vs. SA.
Go away now

24.04.2015 - 10:52
Written by Ferlucci1389, 24.04.2015 at 09:20

Try practising more so u can actualy win some games insteed hating all the time better players then u ,cw room is like begginers room for us these days GgnOrE

intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
24.04.2015 - 11:34
Written by Exo-K, 23.04.2015 at 15:23

Written by minusSeven, 23.04.2015 at 10:27

I was in cosa nostra for 1 week and I played 1 cw that was against enigma. Germany for enigma disconnected turn 1 itself. Enigma players were asking for remake so I and another CN player(can't remember his name) tried our best to convince Ferlucci to remake but he wouldn't because Enigma once I took turkey ukraine in one game against them. I got disappointed so I left that cw. My other team mate did the same. It was Ferlucci vs Critical which Critical went on to win. Offcourse I was kicked from Cosa nostra immediately after along with my other team mate.

I don't want to take any names but I think most clans in this game would have preferred to remake especially when disconnect happen immediately after the game started. Its not something you should be asked to do either.

talking to ferr in that situation was pointless spent nearly 5turns arguing about it -.-

id say not so respectable....

24.04.2015 - 13:10
24.04.2015 - 13:24
I blame your monkey
24.04.2015 - 13:32
Written by Mr_Own_U, 23.04.2015 at 19:15

Troll dced turn 2 and they refused to tie..

When he dsc t2 that means he attacked plymouth t1
24.04.2015 - 13:48
Whats an atwar cw season without a few threads like these eh?
24.04.2015 - 14:34
Written by Ferlucci1389, 24.04.2015 at 09:20

Try practising more so u can actualy win some games insteed hating all the time better players then u ,cw room is like begginers room for us these days GgnOrE

As i said ...arrogance.
No one took into question your playing skills or clan strength, but fair play.

Of course being an arrogant cocky shit your immediate response is as shown above.
You know a problem with being an arrogant full of himself piece of shit is? ...the moment someone better comes and puts you in your place.

Stalins Martians dominated for a year when we were all active and motivated, being number one clan ...and we never acted this way.
24.04.2015 - 14:54
Go rewall some more xD
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!
24.04.2015 - 15:36
Account deleted
Written by Goblin, 24.04.2015 at 08:48

Last CW i had with Cosa:
- i disconnect and my moves don't go trough, desu disconnects for 2 turns
- zero fucks given because ferr disconnected at the same turn i did
- my argument that me dc'ing was crushing for me because it was reinforcements turn i would have had taken several countries fucks given
- me raging probably didn't help
- hypocrisy because they cried about illyria not giving them a draw ..."seconds" before our CW started

Last duel i had with a Cosa member:
- turn before the reinforcements my opponents fails and says GG
- i ask him does it mean he surrendered
- responds with "yes, you can end turn"
- i end turn, he didn't surrender but continues playing ...i continue playing aswell, but my moves don't go trough because i couldn't save them do to him ending turn 20 seconds before timer runs out
- because of that the tide of the game turns since it was reinforcements turn and he has taken back several countries so now instead of me attacking i'm on defense
- he lies continuously that it was turn 2 and that i didn't end turn
- he mocks me at the end when i finally call him out for this bullshit

Never respected that clan to begin with, why would i ...respect has to be earned. They earned my resent tho, and i mostly see them as arrogant. hard feelings tho.

24.04.2015 - 15:46
Written by Ferlucci1389, 24.04.2015 at 14:54

Go rewall some more xD

Never did rewall in a CW or a duel ...yet somehow this myth is well known as it seems because of liars like you and its only based on me putting more wall fuck units around enemies capital.

If you were such a pro as you think you are would have seen in the battle screen that i didn't try a serbian rewalling.

Btw. i was among first players to know how to do serbian rewalling and i would never fail to do one. Besides my first comment on it when i tried it with my clan mates more then 2 years ago was that it shouldn't be used.

Now go ahead and respond some more in your retarded childish way.
24.04.2015 - 16:14
How come that u are craotian noob and making serbian wall ?xD
Cuva BOG Srbina svog!

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