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Original post

Posted by clovis1122, 22.01.2015 - 19:03
Advanced concepts about Walls: Investigation.

This post is a continuation of the original "Basic forms of walling". If you haven't read it, you should.
This is the link: Basic forms of walling >>>>>>>>

Notes and updates:

August, 2015.
On Saturday 1, august, I've finally discovered the mechanics involved in the lines of the walls. With this, a method to make a full closed wall was finally found. So in Sunday I've tried to reorganize the thread to make it readable... moved all the tests to some posts in the thread, and just left a resume of the information found in the original post.

January, 2015.
After two months, I've finally release the guide on Thursday 22, January. Thanks to khal.eesi, even though you've got sick the whole new year, got a stupid PC and retire from the help at one quarter of the post, you've still made this whole thread possible. Also Thanks to Mr_Own_U, who cooperated for some tests of this guide. Thanks for the support!

Current discovered mechanics:

Wall technical date

Wall Range: minimal 1 range, maximal 2 range.
Wall Fuck ratio: 1 range.

Zoom bug in walls: Knowledge

If you zoom out, you can attack a wall that is behind another wall under certain conditions.

1) Doesn't matter the size/length of the wall.
2) The wall you're trying to attack must be at less than 1 range difference from the wall you're trying to bypass.
3) The angle and position of the walls may interfere on the zoom bug, making it easier or harder to do.

How to break inner wall + outer wall layout

Player A attack one side of the double wall.
Player B removes his double wall by mixing units that are from that wall.
Result: The Inner wall will break without battle.

Classic tricks of walling
Kill all the units that are wall fucking, then make a wall at the same turn.
Auto wall - Make one wall then attack the wf'ed unit in next turn.
Big wall - Larger outer wall that allow you the same safety of double wall without bugs.
Re wall - Remove your wall and place another in the same turn.
Serbian wall - Kill all the units of your enemy's wall AND wall at the same turn, same place.

Sea Wall

You can't break land unit's wall with naval units if their wall range is less than ~10%
If you superimpose your sea trans, they will form part of the wall.

Transport and their walls, helicopter wall.

It is possible to bug the transport in order to make them wall, even helicopters.

Zero unit wall

If you zero bug on a wall, it will appear to be zero bugged, but it is really a display bug. Reset the page to make the units display correctly.

Wall line: Appear and Disappear

Appear (Triangle wall):

Disappear (Broken wall):

Feel free to post test here, they will be include in the post. If you have any though about how mechanic works, feel free to post it too, any idea help!
18.05.2016 - 11:09
Written by RaulPB, 18.05.2016 at 10:52

Written by The_Empirezz, 18.05.2016 at 09:23

What do you consider too long walls?

Those which are in the limit of actually making the wall or not XD

Ahahahaha nice advise
22.05.2016 - 07:00
REMOVE WALLS FROM GAME, it doesnt exist in reality forts, bunker etc exist but not walls with units
It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them
28.05.2016 - 00:58
Written by MURAD IV, 22.05.2016 at 07:00

REMOVE WALLS FROM GAME, it doesnt exist in reality forts, bunker etc exist but not walls with units

may you please stop your stupid suggestments
28.05.2016 - 17:06
Its not stupid its realistic, cause u used to that noob feature i really dont care
It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them
05.06.2016 - 07:03
-Here is the test of the well known bug:Walling with tranpost,display bug starring Cold Case

I made 2 sea walls,northern one with an air transport and southern one with a sea transport.(which does not matter)

I also made 2 normal walls one of them with air transport I used for the southern sea wall and the other normally with the addition that I put one unit of the wall exactly next to the sea so I can make the transport bug wall.

~Results of the walls

As you can see there is no doubt that they are 4 perfect walls.

~Time for the action to begin.

>Putting transports in the place of a unit.(Except of the sea walls where you can not move the unit and if you move it with the transport the wall will be broken)

>Ending turn

~Results of the walls

As you can see they are broken so as I said a display wall bug.

But Cold,what will happen if we send units back in the transports and after that we move away the transports alone?

Well random person who questions me lets see.

>Doing what he asked me to do.

>Ending turn

As we can see the walls are again formed perfectly.

-Here is a small bug when there is a palace wall and how far an enemy unit can reach inside of the wall,starring,the one and only Cold Case.(Almost supernatural )

>The palace wall

>Breaking the palace wall and forming a new 3 unit wall.(Perfectly formed!)

>Look how far inside the palace wall the unit is.(It is zoomed in maximum!)

>Ending turn


I hope I helped and I haven't seen them anywhere here so I thought to post them.

Cold Case
05.06.2016 - 09:54
Written by Cold Case, 05.06.2016 at 07:03

I dont think the first thing you posted is really a bug, just the way walls work. The walls over the land broke because transports can't form walls with inf because air and sea units can't form walls with land units. The ones over the ocean stayed because there was still an inf in with the transport, which as a land unit could form walls with the other land units.
05.06.2016 - 14:11
Written by EndsOfInvention, 05.06.2016 at 09:54

Written by Cold Case, 05.06.2016 at 07:03

-correct theory-

I agree but I just showed these so people do not get confused and think they can wall like that.
01.07.2016 - 12:02
Written by clovis1122, 22.01.2015 at 19:03

Sea Wall

You can't break land unit's wall with naval units if their wall range is less than ~10%

Apparently it can be broken in any case, I just don't know how Zone does it...
01.07.2016 - 12:08

I tried to make the wall as short as possible. Looks like in HTML it's possible to break a drown land with sea units, regardless of the length.
02.07.2016 - 10:27
Written by clovis1122, 01.07.2016 at 12:02

Apparently it can be broken in any case, I just don't know how Zone does it...

Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

24.07.2016 - 16:43
If i show you how to serbian rewall will i be permanent banned? XD
Deutsch überwältigt

23.05.2024 - 01:01
Written by MURAD IV, 22.05.2016 at 07:00

REMOVE WALLS FROM GAME, it doesnt exist in reality forts, bunker etc exist but not walls with units

ur just bad at the game
24.05.2024 - 00:21
Written by thisguy, 23.05.2024 at 01:01

ur just bad at the game

05.09.2024 - 14:33
U tell me 6 r noob
It's scary how many possible genocidal war lords play this game, and i could be one of them

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