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08.07.2016 - 04:09
Dear Atwar-community,
recently the amount of failed scenario games has significantly increased due to people playing several games simultaneously.
It is totally understandable that a player handling a small country might not need the full turn duration.
However in the last months the number of games failing due to people overestimating their multiple tasking skills and doing only like one or two moves per turn because being busy with the other game has risen to an unacceptable level.
Lately even lower ranks who are supposed to be more than busy with just one game, handle two or even three games at a time.
Each of these scenario games leads to at least 30 wasted minutes, cause people are neither shown afk nor inactive. They are just performing incredibly awful and it is bloody hard to proof trolling and sanction this behaviour.
As I only play few scenarios and I haven't set up proper statistics yet, this post represents a bunch of people from the WWI community having the same point of view on multiple game play performances.
Still I see no reason why it should be a big disadvantage to only be able to join as spectator to second or third games and not as active player.

Therefore this motion to change the option not to be able to play several games simultaneously!

For filling and therefore enabling participation of future games there could easily be implemented a third joining option or something that doesnt allow the game to start with "pending players".
A Noob
08.07.2016 - 04:19
That is true. I support to disable that option too becouse it leads to sp-farming. Therefore we saw many players with high ranks which didnt know basic game rules. Also these people are the main reason of the failed games.
08.07.2016 - 04:21
Account deleted
All you need is a good host.
08.07.2016 - 04:22
Good point, only one 'Quick game' at the time
Sorry for my English! I do my best!
08.07.2016 - 04:29
Im agree with Noob12,
we have a bad problem in ww1 maps with this kind of players. im asking respectfully to plz make a limit of 2 game's for be active .
i feel really bad when my time will be lost by destroying a game like ww1 that we sometimes wait for it, for like 1 hour !
08.07.2016 - 04:33
Sure i dont like it but i know its for the best i vote yay
08.07.2016 - 04:33
I also agree. Cant even start game, not to tell the trouble of playing one
08.07.2016 - 04:44
But how am I gonna play a game in one tab, say random shit as spectator in another and check on the lobby in another?
Someone Better Than You
08.07.2016 - 04:46
Then kick them out of the game if you think the are troll
08.07.2016 - 06:07
Written by Zephyrusu, 08.07.2016 at 04:44

But how am I gonna play a game in one tab, say random shit as spectator in another and check on the lobby in another?

you can check them but cannot join active games
08.07.2016 - 06:09
Written by Zephyrusu, 08.07.2016 at 04:44

But how am I gonna play a game in one tab, say random shit as spectator in another and check on the lobby in another?

You don't... just like in the Good ol' days

08.07.2016 - 06:09
Also "disable spectators" button will be very good
08.07.2016 - 07:26
Support, 1 quick game at the time should solve this.
08.07.2016 - 07:36
I agreed with Noob12. this problem need to be stop. i know some who play two or three games. They need to stop play two or more games. we should focus on ONE game. if they play two game, they are suppose to leave the game before start the game. i am frustrating that some of the players who are still play two games or more and ruin every games. i want this manic problem to end.
08.07.2016 - 08:21
I agree, I've encountered this same problem... and once this player is in a bad spot, they simply say they'll leave to continue playing the other game instead of making an effort in the game they're currently playing. It's pathetic.

Players should only be allowed to play in a single game at a time. Spectate as many as they like but only play one at a time.
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

08.07.2016 - 09:05
I think it would be a good idea to limit the number of games a person can be in at a time to two, at most. You can play a game and keep track of something else. Not really much to say that someone else hasn't said already.
08.07.2016 - 09:18
disagreement this is a problem seems to be no sanction because the human being is a being who can do several things at once and if you remove that option is removing the creativity and the way we played as many games fail because it fills up very slowly and gives much annoyance expected to fill.aunque esto es un problema me parece que no se debe sancionar ya que el ser humano es un ser que puede realizar varias cosas a la vez y si quita esa opcion esta quitando la creativida y la manera que jugamos ya que en muchos juegos fallan ya que se llena muy lentamente y da mucho fastidio esperar que se llene
08.07.2016 - 10:17
Naw, leave it the way it is
08.07.2016 - 12:06
I don't really play more than one game at a time, but sometimes an ongoing game will be almost over and I enter the queue for the new game or remake to keep it rolling. Some players would leave the ongoing game at that point if forced to choose. We don't want more leavers.
08.07.2016 - 15:37
08.07.2016 - 16:18
I support Noob12, he is good man and player
08.07.2016 - 16:44
Guys PLZ Atwar servers are bad you can handle two world map games but nothing more.Roleplays and games with more than 13 players always crashes.I can't see any problem in this if some people wanna SP Farm let them do it.
08.07.2016 - 16:57
Ya i agree with noob12 , too many players end up ruining scenarios not to mention ppl sp farm . Quick games should be caped to 1 at a time
09.07.2016 - 04:10
I think a 2 game limit should be introduced for the reasons above. I will propose and update with any feedback.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
09.07.2016 - 11:12
Thank you Sun! I think 2 game limit is a good compromise.
14.07.2016 - 14:14
I feel this should be a "Quick game" mandate only and "Casual Games" should not be set to such a limit. Quick games are just that, a game you need to focus on from beginning to end, so a 2 game limit makes sense. But since casual games range from 12hr, 24hr and 48hr turns, it is truly possible and quite enjoyable to play multiple games at once, and a limit is unneeded and would only hinder the fun one can have playing casual games.
"The edge is never very far away, when you're hanging on by your fingernails." ©
14.07.2016 - 15:59
Written by Warmonger Dak, 14.07.2016 at 14:14

I feel this should be a "Quick game" mandate only and "Casual Games" should not be set to such a limit. Quick games are just that, a game you need to focus on from beginning to end, so a 2 game limit makes sense. But since casual games range from 12hr, 24hr and 48hr turns, it is truly possible and quite enjoyable to play multiple games at once, and a limit is unneeded and would only hinder the fun one can have playing casual games.

I am assuming the proposal would not affect the number of playable casual games.
intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
14.07.2016 - 22:51
Written by Sun Tsu, 09.07.2016 at 04:10

I think a 2 game limit should be introduced for the reasons above. I will propose and update with any feedback.

But then what will happen to my 3-screen atwar setup.
15.07.2016 - 03:17
Written by Sun Tsu, 09.07.2016 at 04:10

I think a 2 game limit should be introduced for the reasons above. I will propose and update with any feedback.

I like opening 3 tabs but only play on one quick. If you indeed implement this, please make sure it doesn't affect casual games and it does affect our multi-tab spectator ability, as it is truly a wonderful feature. It also helps me with tracking lost chats from joining/leaving games. I just look on another tab.
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