Kaska Posts: 1404 From: France
We're looking for 2 people volunteering to gather all the videos from :
- The main expansions in competitive (in eu+), with all the main strategies ; a lot of them exist but are outdated or don't fit into what whe have in mind. Would be more appropriate for a high rank competitive ;
- À skilled member of scenario community that would be willing to make videos and edit them to explain how he manage his movement and proceed in several main scenarios (the stacking notion is different from the competitive practice) .
Pm me if you think you're the right guy.
I have a few videos of my own and I think they're pretty decent quality. I could redo all the expansions. Let me know what you think.
Kaska Posts: 1404 From: France
Ok we got someone for the competitive
Scenario guy missing
*looks at The_Empire* What are yall waiting for? XAXAXA
I don't know how to record videos so i can't do it, but you better get a decent scenario player because not a lot of them know how to actually play scenario... We should approve the scenario video maker
Happiness = reality - expectations
Same Posts: 211 From: Azerbaijan
So for scenarios, should whole game be recorded or what? They usually take at least 1.5-2 hours.
I suggest that mapmaker should provide reference of his scenarios about picks, strategies, gameplay and etc. Therefore the player can just show how to play early turns
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust!