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27.02.2021 - 11:29
New Game Starting Now

Panzer General XI

A. Game Enhancements:

1. Due to international developments, the USSR Capital has been relocated from Moscow to Kazan.
2. The USSR can now purchase the Soviet built Heavy Cruiser.
3. The People's Republic of China (PRC) can now purchase the Soviet built T-34 Medium Tank.
4. Germany can now purchase the German built Panzer Mark VII King Tiger Heavy Tank.

B. Player Countries by Numbers of Reinforcements (Descending Order):

1. Britain: 348
2. Japan: 298
3. USA: 291
4. USSR: 260
5. France: 232
6. Spain: 209
7. PRC (China): 204
9. Germany: 148
8. Australia: 145
9. Italy: 134
10. Brazil: 130
11. Canada: 120

C. Game Protocol:

1. Please do not move units outside of your home country on turn one (1). Player's who move units outside of their home country on turn one (1) will be required to either forfeit a turn or the game. Repeat violations will result in the player not being invited to future games. Players may wall cities during turn one (1).

2. If at all possible, do not leave a game prematurely, particularly in the early turns. Leaving the game prematurely by timing-out is disruptive to the game and disrespectful of other players.

3. Finally, whenever possible, take your turn in a timely manner. Most games have a 48 hour time limit. This does not mean that you need to wait 48 hours before taking your turn. Be considerate of other players time as you would want them to be considerate of yours.

D. Player's Invitation List:

There are some significant changes to the Player's Invitation List. First off, the number of players on the list has been paired down to about 30. These are the folks, like you, who join games on a regular basis. If you are receiving this e-mail, rest assured, you are on the list. Going forward the Player's Invitation List will be managed as follows:

How To Be Added To The List:
• Player's who join any coalition sponsored game.
• New coalition members.
• Player's who request to be added.

How To Be Removed From the List:
• Players who have been inactive in atWar for more than 7 days.
• Player's who request to be removed.
• Banned players.

Good luck to all...

Commodus, Founding Leader, Niki

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