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05.03.2022 - 12:11
So this guide isnt made by me, it was made by either Bubartemius or internet explore i do not remember to say for sure but what i want to say is that i am posting this after my clan members fell for the cause they believed in and for the people who i was friends back in the day and now are gone. I really dont want this to be lost in some random pms and i will post this and idc for anyone liking this or not again i repeat this was made by bubartemius and/or internet explore.

Ottoman Empire

General review:

This country has several borders so you have to watch over all of them in Balkans (that's pretty obvious if enemies are going to rush your "Balkan trench/Edirine Trench"), so when the possibility arises that your opponent(s) may possibly rush you to capture your capital to make you lose right away by rushing your trench Edirne located here:

I'd recommend you spam trenches as much as possible and always reinforce it with other units such as infantry, machine gun, or conscripts as trenches alone cannot hold a lot of units attacking it. As it is common sense it's always best to spam the best defensive units when the rush on Edirne trench may possibly happen unless you don't have enough funds, then the next best defense unit can possibly save you from getting your capital captured once they take control of the trench. If you believe that you may not be able to stop them from capturing your trench, then the next best option is to just spam walls as much as possible to stall your enemy(s), so your troops from other fronts (should be sent before attack itself) or allied forces can save you.

The following image is a perfect example of walling to stall your opponent(s) rush from making you lose the game, which this lose of yours will hinder your allies substantially:

Geographical Area


Usually is rushed by the UK from Lemnos and British Greece.

Located here:

and a possible from the other ports that your allies may use nearby to help you capture it; note that it's very noticeable that a rush may happen at Gallipoli when the UK concentrate forces in the Lemnos, however France can buy dreadnoughts in the Athens, that means 100% rush and a hard one so you should send help to the Gallipoli.

Tip: It's recommended to have the same amount of defense units or more as your opponents that will be rushing you have to ensure that you have plenty to prevent from losing such a fatal location; it's important to know that once breached allies will do everything in their willpower to aim for your capital to end you right away.

Caucasus - if you are playing right Russia cant advance without Cossacks from Ukraine or even cav from Russia, you can easily spot them, that means you should send some help to the front and beware Russia can chain move reinf from all Russian Caucasus to the Erzurum (biggest reinforcements in the region for you), which you shouldn't let Russia take since it allows an opening to the rest of your countries, furthermore, you should put pressure in Russia rather than just in that area to prevent Russia from sending most of its units from Caucasus to Kiev, that can cause problems for your allies:

Middle East - very predictable front UK will spam art and rush in the most cases, so you can defend or rush.
(pretty easy as all British units there have just 4 def, unless he spammed inf) Kuwait, on the other hand, can give you good reinforcements and income when taken and secured. It's to take Kuwait if possible rather than Basra when having to choose only one of the two to attack instead.

Egypt - Mostly the UK will just spam art and wait for Arab revolution, but never underestimate it as it may cause you your lose; keep a good and equal amount of forces as UK's troops in your Gaza trench if possible to avoid losing it. If UK sends forces from Lemnos to Egypt you should send major help to Gaza or UK will easily take over your middle east as soon as he/she takes the Gaza trench.

Starting income:1147
Reinf: 64 (except for the first week)

Relative Events:

Arab revolution t9 - the UK gets 15 Arab cav, the kingdom of Hejaz, general in one stack near the city in the south Hejaz and 5 of Arab stealth in both south and north of Hejaz.

As noted in this picture:

Tip: Before the revo starts you can detect the stealth units by throwing a unit around the area you believe it is at (if you memorize it) and attack it with arts. This way you reduce the chances of having to worry about the stealth units and can knock out the other units (the Arab cav). As always wall around this area or else you'll be having trouble.

Inflation t18 and t20


Imp, pd (ottoman economy is too weak for expensive strategies)

Optional Tactics:

Caucasus rush (imp): Spam artillery in Ankara, Mosul and Kurdistan send to to the Caucasus, chain move a little with spammed in Armenia artillery next turn,break walls before main stack arrive (*possibly can be made with Kuwait rush, but better do it in different time as both need lots of reinforcements and money)

Kuwait rush(imp): To be sure in success of the rush you shall spam art in Syria (but send cons to the Gaza), Kurdistan and Iran send all to Kuwait (including cons), try to keep your stack walled, break British walls as fast as possible with art from south Iraq

Pure defense(imp/pd): Umm just spam inf and walls, what can be said, keep watching your border to know where you should send troops.

Egypt rush(imp)(*Risky): Spam art everywhere that's more or less close to Egypt and spam cav in the cities that's far if you do it early and pray UK won't send forces from Lemnos, if you plan to do it later I suggest to do it after the UK will suicide or if it has very weak defense, your other fronts are safe so you can channel forces from all country


England - The main enemy of the Ottoman Empire (?reinf Egypt,12 reinf Trucial states, 6 reinf Kuwait, 2 Basra, ?Lemnos)
Russia - secondary front but easily can cause your death (15 reinf Russian Caucasus, 3 Azerbaijan, ? southern Russia)
France - as was stated before can build dreads to rush Gallipoli
Romania - can rush Balkan trench
Italy - with very little chance can rush Balkan trench

Tips (1-15 turns)

1) Don't leave Beirut (Syria) empty or unwalled as UK/Italy can take it with a destroyer and try to cap Syria with militia.
2) Put unit (anti-air is a good choice)outside of the Gallipoli so you will wf Lemnos's mines if UK won't notice you can take British Greece with troops carrier full of art or maybe even Lemnos if its nearly empty
3) Try to always keep Arab revo isolated with big walls, stealth are very unpredictable

Units terminology mostly used in The War To End All Wars [WW1]:

Conscripts: "Cons"
Infantry: "inf"
Cavalry: "Cav"
Artillery: "Art"
Machine Gun: "MG"
Imp: "Imperialist"
Blitz: "Blitzkrieg"
RA: "Relentless Attack"
LB: "Lucky Bastard"
PD: "Perfect Defense"
Reinf: "Reinforcements"
Revo: "Revolution"
WF: "Wall Fuck"
Refer here for more Atwar Terminology that you might not understand:
Orcs are a horde, much like Turks. Elves and Men are light skinned, Orcs are often darker/sallow skinned, like Turks.

Istanbul?Thats not how you pronounce Constantinople

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