30.06.2018 - 20:12
1)I notice after Sp multiplier was put into the game, The Game Lost like half of it's active player. Mostly due Rp player who rage quit. I believe that The SP multiplier. implementation must be reverse to regrow the game, A lively amount of player is good for at-war. Also I stop caring about sp now. ever since the implementation of the sp multiplayer, it seem like the active amount of player drop; the amount of player don't seem to hit at least 80 player in a room or 2 full game of 20 player. Unfortunately, I notice rp player complain that RP game help them have fun with diplomacy. I admit Rp player tend to troll game, but we need more player. 2) The map maker for html5 have been a long waited promise, also another reason for why people are leaving this game. I know Clovis is working hard , but this game is not getting popular anymore.
---- Hi
01.07.2018 - 01:53
I agree in some cases. I don't think SP multiplier should be 25% especially since 85% of AW is scenario/RP players. Should look into it more mods/admins. Might be a good thought.
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01.07.2018 - 02:58
It took opi like 9 months to jump 5 ranks (the higher ones, think 8-13). Without that sp multiplier, some people would already be rank 20 with 1/5 the effort. I'm not sure whether making the game unfair for the rest of us is worth whatever exaggerated loss we've had from it.
01.07.2018 - 04:16
RP SP Multiplier should be doubled. Since mods just count sp average rather than SP per turn. RP's don't last that long since every turn is 7 mins, just look into the sp per turn average its the way to go
01.07.2018 - 05:40
I have never noticed such a thing as people leaving cuz of SP multiplier why does RP players even care about premium or upgrades while all units are ground/air/naval: other with insane states this game does lack modes and lacks honesty and investment from the admins side ignoring every single request by the players and clovis is handless i have already made few suggestions and got supported by the vast majority of the game players to change the game play concerning rolls and turn blocks + fixing LB and what i asked for was always easy to implement but they simply ignored cuz just they dont care even through they could simply put what i suggested as a premium future to be enabled or kept disabled still 0 fuck was given and the game policy consists of "ignore the crowd until they separate" that path of ignoring people's wishes simply cuz they still play while they calmly quit on the first chance they get busy or find another game at suggests that few would care to invite any real life friend to play it :/ Rip: styrko/fruit/soul/goblin/bargain/eagles8539/tophat/slowind/lemonade just few names of very very good players that did quit without notion and these same players used to complain about how broke is the game play mainly because of the broken tb system that turns the game to pure luck no competition= no loyal players and corrupt mind noobs who doesn't even understand how the game works taking over and spitting senseless bullshits all around deal with it
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
01.07.2018 - 06:26
It is true, bring back the glorius days of RP
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
01.07.2018 - 08:09
Critical youre a strange 1. You appear every few months and make this exact same thread. I bet i could find at least 3 other copies of this post by you. You're the only player ive ever seen complain about the sp multiplier. And I cant imagine what a r14 wants with more sp.
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01.07.2018 - 08:58
every new thread he makes has better and better grammar, i enjoy reading it.
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
Are you sure?